Recycling Media

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10 Best Social Media Plugins for WordPress

1. Revive Old Post

Best Social Media Plugins for WordPress: Revive Old Post

Revive Old Post has been a mainstay in the social media plugins market for a while now. It’s a great way to get your previous content shared on social media regularly and on autopilot.

In short, all you do is activate the plugin, set the time intervals, the networks it should post to, and you’re done. From that point on, the plugin works automatically.

(Some of the things you can adjust: what makes an article eligible for sharing, the intervals between posts, posts that must not be shared, how many times an article should be posted, formats, custom scheduling, logs, etc.)

2. Monarch

Best Social Media Plugins: Monarch

With Monarch – the second entry on our list of best social media plugins for WordPress – you can add social icons anywhere on your site and in any form: floating sidebars, above and/or below content, on images and videos, automatic pop-ups, automatic fly-ins, and more.

You can show each of them in various spectacular ways, and set the exact moment when you want them to appear. Much like subscription pop-ups, but with social media buttons.

3. Super Socializer

WordPress Social Share, Social Login and Social Comments Plugin – Super Socializer

With this social media plugins, you can integrate your site with social media in a number of unique ways. To name a few: you can add social login, social comments, custom social menus and like buttons.

By the way, this plugin also provides you with all the social media icons in the world (for every network imaginable).

4. Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

Easy Social Share Buttons

A simpler social media plugins for social sharing buttons that you can add to your posts and images. If you just want something basic that works fast, this is perhaps the solution you need.

5. SocialFans

social fans

A plugin that displays your fans, subscribers, and followers. It works with 30 social networks, most importantly: Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, plus 26 other channels.

6. Kiwi

Kiwi Social Share – Social Media Share Buttons & Icons

A free WordPress social media plugins that help with the sharing of your articles and pages on social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest, Google+, and email. It is easy to manage by all types of users.

Kiwi adds social icons after and before your content (or both at the same time) and comes in four different skins. The plugin is super lightweight and loads very fast. Stay tuned for the widget version!

7. AccessPress Social Icons


Access Press Social Icons gives you lots of different social icons for each network, along with nice customization possibilities, so everything can fit your website’s style perfectly through WordPress social media Plugins.

For instance, you can choose from several Facebook icons that have different designs, some looking simple and elegant, some funny and colorful, and others vintage-like.

8. Social Share Buttons & Analytics by GetSocial

Share Buttons, Social Sharing & Analytics WordPress Plugin –

This social media plugin comes with 18-ish tools that do different things for your site’s social traffic. Some of them are free, others paid.

There’s really a lot here, so let me just focus on the most interesting stuff. There are: floating share bars, mobile share and follow bars, smart pop-ups, welcome bars, share tracking, Google Analytics integration, and much more.

9. Mashshare

Social Media Share Buttons | MashShare

A great social media plugins that offer a couple of useful things for your site, such as social media icons, share buttons, “total share” counters, and subscribe buttons.

The social media plugins also come with free and paid add-ons for extra buttons, YouTube video share pop-up, sticky share bars, Google Analytics, social share optimization, and more. Why the name? Well, it looks much like the social media module you can find at Mashable.

10. CardZ Social Stream for WordPress


A modern social media plugins that offer an amazing user experience by letting you customize everything right from the front-end (as it is Visual-Composer-ready).

With this social media plugins, you can integrate all your social media activity with your website, and display your social streams directly on the site. It has over 15 themes and colors to choose from, plus animated effects, custom typography, and custom banners.