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5 Most Usable Features Of WordPress

WordPress is the most commonly used content management system used for blogging purposes. Let’s talk about some features of WordPress that makes it different.

So what makes WordPress so popular amongst bloggers and why should you switch to WordPress plugin for your blogging purposes?

Here are five WordPress Features that make it just the greatest content publishing platform:

  1. WordPress is SEO friendly

The first WordPress feature SEO friendly websites are the way to go, that is if you want your website to rank amongst the highest ranks on Google. WordPress will automatically generate SEO friendly URLs for you. WordPress allows you a chance to download free WordPress plugins, such as All In One SEO Pack, SEO by Yoast, Google XML Site Map, and other such WordPress plugins which makes your web page rank much higher in Google. Not just that, you are also presented with an array of social media plugins, all which allow your website audience to easily share, like and tweet about your web page.

  1. It’s Simplicity

One of the most coveted WordPress features is the basic simplicity of it. Whether you are an amateur or a pro, you will not face any issues when it comes to adding and managing content on WordPress. As a WordPress designer, you will be able to do all the tasks without the need of a developer. The level of customization available on WordPress makes it extremely popular and loved amongst bloggers.

Related Post: Steps to Help Create a Blog on WordPress

  1. You can not only save but also make money on WordPress

Due to the simplicity of WordPress, you will be able to easily handle most of the tasks on your own, without needed to spend large amounts on an in-house developer. Choose from hundreds of customization themes, and create the right in-house team which will focus and allows you to manage all the functions of WordPress easily, without any hassle. Due to the beauty of its simplicity, anyone can manage WordPress easily on their own, with the help of a few tutorials. This means you can save tons on hiring an in-house developer. You can also easily monetize your website using various e-commerce plugins and theme solutions. This means that you can very easily manage all your sales using various plugins, and make money off your page.

  1. You have a huge WordPress community

One of the best parts of using WordPress and becoming a WordPress designer is the huge, extended community you will come across on WordPress. This means that as a beginner, you will be offered various helping hands by enthusiasts, who want to offer free advice based on their own experiences on WordPress. This community helps you feel one with the crowds, and learn all the most interesting tips and tricks which you require when on WordPress. There are pages full of FAQs where you will find the answers to all your questions. You can also rely on assistance from the other community members, so you will never feel lost.

  1. Excellent user experience

WordPress is one of the few places where you will be offered such a large variety of customization options, theme selections, and flexibility of features and options, all for a very low cost. If you are working on a budget, WordPress is the ideal solution for you, offering you low-cost options even for the Premium selections.

With all these amazing features, WordPress continues to be the leading content management systems amongst other CMS. Hop on to WordPress to enjoy all the benefits and  WordPress features for your own website.


WordPress is already a very famous choice for CMS users, and these factors are some of the known factors why everybody loves WordPress so much. Make sure you are using WordPress if building a website on CMS since it is the first and foremost and most versatile CMS out of all other PHP CMS.