Recycling Media

Professional Website Design and Development Agency

Website design tips for the beginner

If you own a company, chances are that you’ve got a company website. And if you don’t already have one, then you certainly need one! What are some important things to consider when it comes to website design?

Many website design often include links to other pages, places where readers can go for more information, to see a product in action, etc. If your site contains links to other pages, make sure that you are only putting up working links. Few things are as frustrating as clicking on a link, only to be told that the page does not exist, and it could reflect poorly on the relevancy of your site if you list links that no longer work. To avoid this issue, make sure you regularly check any links you have on your site and update them as needed. Stick with a basic color scheme; avoid the use of too many colors, as websites design that are highly colorful can often seem unprofessional and amateurish. Pick several key colors and use them consistently throughout your site. Likewise, avoid using moving graphics, unless they are truly essential to the points that you are trying to convey. Figures that dance across the screen often seem unnecessary and annoying for the reader. Remember that the overall feel of your website will reflect on the professionalism of your company and your brand.Lastly, make sure that all of your content is grammatically correct and well written. It can sometimes be the simplest things that we are the most likely to overlook; although the layout and design of your website is very important, you will come across as unprofessional and uneducated if your site contains spelling errors and grammatical errors. If writing is an area that you struggle with, consider hiring someone to write your content for you. Before publishing any content to your site, make sure other eyes have read it first! Let your friends and family read your content to get their perspective and their feedback; they will likely notice things that you do not. And make sure that the fonts you select are easy to read. In general, readers will most likely respond the most favorably to simple, commonly used fonts.It is incredibly easy these days to design your own website. Make sure that you carefully consider things such as the ease of navigating your website, the font you use, the quality of your content, and the color scheme you choose.