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Mobile app development

Creating Mobile Application using HTML5

Creating mobile app development  using HTML5 is quickly becoming a preferred technology for developing rich, occasionally connected applications that are optimized for location awareness and moderate bandwidth. This session will get you started on leveraging HTML5 in your pages (Visualforce) projects. Learn how you can leverage your pages for multiple platforms and form factors.

Innovative App Development for Mobile Platforms

Information on application development for various mobile platforms including Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows, Java ME & Palm WebOs etc. from V-Soft Inc., USA having core technical team that works on different mobile technology covering Media Streaming , Enterprise Applications, Location-based, Social Networking, Personal Information Management, Secure Messaging, Mobile Games and Mobile Website. For further details on mobile apps development visit – V-Soft Inc. is a leading software application development company for IT with core specialization in developing cutting edge custom mobile applications by leveraging its innate off-shore value advantages.

Work From Home – Mobile Marketing – App Development

Work From Home with Mobile Marketing and App Development: The mobile app development market is booming right now, and it is growing. When you work from home, do you want to work hard for every paycheck each time? Or would you rather earn an increasing passive income from app development and mobile marketing? When you have apps in the App Store, Android Market, etc, you make money while you sleep. This is even true for apps that are free to the end users. You can make money with ad revenue or affiliate commissions. You can even make money from selling iTunes songs or Amazon products from within your iPhone or Android apps. However, if you work from home (or anywhere you have an internet connection), you can use mobile marketing to your advantage to make apps for local businesses. You can make thousands of dollars per week just by creating a few simple apps that don’t require any type of programming experience. Working from home in app development for both iPhone and Android can give you an edge with mobile marketing whether you have your own business or not!