Recycling Media

Professional Website Design and Development Agency


How to Create WordPress Custom Post Types

How to Create WordPress Custom Post Types

WordPress can display a plethora of different types of content, but organizing it can be tough. The default options are fairly limited, and customizing them can be confusing. That’s precisely why I decided to put together this brief guide.

By using custom post types, you can create a new type of item – like posts and pages – which will contain a different set of data. It’ll have its own admin menu, its own editing pages, its own custom taxonomies, and a bunch of other utilities.

If you’re wondering why you need one of these in the first place, they’re best for websites with content that is organized along with an unusual structure. So if you have any content that you need to display differently than on regular posts and pages, a custom post type may be just what you need. They’re also great for SEO, due to their built-in permalinks.

What is a Custom Post Type?

A post type, despite the specific-sounding name, can be used for any kind of content. You’ve probably seen them before, since developers use custom post types to add portfolios, staff, testimonials and more to their WordPress themes. So a custom post type is just a regular post with a different post_type value in the database. There are five default post types: post, page, attachment, revision, and navigation menu. WordPress 3.0+, however, gives you the capability to add your own custom ones.The term taxonomy comes up often in reference to custom post types and that might be a bit confusing to some. For those new to WordPress, taxonomies are a way to group posts and custom post types together. WordPress comes with four built-in ones: category, tag, link category, and post formats. You can learn more about the specifics of these over at the WordPress Codex. However, you can also create your own custom taxonomies and use them in your post types to group and sort content.

How to Create a Custom Post Type?

Adding custom post types in WordPress is extremely easy since WordPress includes the core function register_post_type that can be used to create them. This means if you are a plugin developer you can easily include custom post types in the theme you are creating. Or you can add them via your child theme or via a custom plugin.

Creating A Custom Post Type Manually (using code)

First things first, where should you add your code? The best place to register and add your custom post types depends on your project. If you are working on a client site that already has a theme active you’ll want to create a child theme and register your post types from there. If you are creating your own custom theme you can place the code in the functions.php file or in any other file called from your functions.php. And if you are developing a plugin it doesn’t really matter where you add the code, so long as the code runs before the ‘init’ action hook to make sure it’s available.

For testing purposes, your functions.php file will do just fine. But a plugin will ensure you won’t break your site on changing or upgrading your theme.

If the custom post type is really important, consider making it a must-use plugin. For the uninitiated, must-use plugins are installed in a special directory inside the content folder and are automatically enabled on all sites. Must-use plugins don’t show in the default list of plugins on the plugins page of wp-admin.

Anyway, a custom post type can be added to WordPress via the register_post_type( ) function. This allows you to define a new one by several labels. Once you’ve created your header, you can use this function before the admin_menu, but after the after_setup_theme action hooks. If created correctly, you can pull this off with only a few lines of code. From the WordPress Codex, here’s a simple example of a new custom post type:

function create_post_type() {
  register_post_type( 'acme_product',
      'labels' => array(
        'name' => __( 'Products' ),
        'singular_name' => __( 'Product' )
      'public' => true,
      'has_archive' => true,
add_action( 'init', 'create_post_type' );

This would create a post type named “product” that’s identified as “acme_product.” The register_post_typefunction gets two values. The first one being “labels” for the name. The second one is “public” to make it show up on the admin screen and on your site. And lastly “has_archive” to enable the new post type’s archive.

After setting this up, you should see the menu entry for the custom post type, be able to add posts, view the post list in the admin, and visit them on your website. There are many more values or arguments, you can add to a custom page. A full list of them can be found on the register post type page of the Codex.

Next, create a 16×16 pixel icon image and save it to your current plugin folder. This is required for the custom post type icon in the dashboard. Another option is to use a font icon. If you’d be interested ingoing that route we have a quick guide for how to use Dashicons for your custom post types that you should read. Then you can go on and activate the plugin.

A note on naming: while it’s tempting and convenient to use a simple custom post type identifier it’s better to prefix. Use a short namespace that identifies the plugin, theme, or website that uses the custom type. For a much more detailed guide, check out the Tuts+ guide to WordPress Custom Post Types. They dig into more code and custom post type options if you want to code your post types yourself. But if you want a quicker and easier option, keep reading!

Creating A Custom Post Type With A Plugin

The easiest way to add new custom post types is with a plugin. The free Post Types Unlimited plugin happens to make creating and managing custom post types a breeze. You can even create custom taxonomies too.

All you have to do is install the plugin. You can grab it right from the WordPress directory (see the links above). Or install it from your WordPress dashboard under Plugins > Add New and search for “post types unlimited” – it should be the first result. Just install and activate.This will add a new Post Types menu item towards the bottom of your dashboard. Click on it to begin creating your new post types and taxonomies. There are tons of options for the custom post type or taxonomy name, making the new post type visible to authors, where it appears in your dashboard (or where within a submenu, such as under “Settings”), the menu icon, supported metaboxes (just check the ones you’d like to include), and even advanced settings for the REST API.

Choose the options you want to enable for your new post type and save. That’s it. It’s ready to go! Just look for the name you gave your new custom post type in your dashboard. Ours is named “My Post Types” in the screenshot above. (Note – we did not assign a location, so it was simply added after the existing post types on our test site.Post Types Unlimited was created to work great with any WordPress theme, but if you’re using the Total WordPress Theme you’ll have access to a ton of exclusive and powerful options. Set a custom main page for your breadcrumbs, choose the new post type’s archive layout options, select entry (and single entry) blocks and meta, enable Next/Prev pagination and more.


Are you seeing some HTTP error when uploading media in WordPress? This is an error that usually occurs when you upload an image or other files to WordPress while using the built-in media uploader. Here in this article, we will show you how to fix the HTTP image upload error in WordPress.

In any the case, if you are unable to upload images in WordPress, no doubt you are wondering what is causing this issue and how to fix it all. Website theme is one of the most important factors while uploading an image on a WordPress site. The image can be set according to the website theme.

WordPress images upload errors may begin unexpectedly or in some cases, once you make changes to your website. However, it takes some efforts to find out why WordPress can just not upload images and to resolve it.

Here in this article, we have collected different solutions as per the errors you may be getting. This is the group that will help you recognize the most likely solution for specific errors when uploading images that you are facingREASONS FOR HTTP ERROR DURING MEDIA UPLOAD IN WORDPRESS

There are a lot of things that may lead to an HTTP error when you are trying to upload files while using WordPress media uploader. WordPress is basically unable to figure out the reason and that is the reason why it demonstrates the generic HTTP error message.

The frustrating part in this is error message doesn’t offer you any clue as to what may have caused it. This means that you need to try various solutions to find the cause and fix that specific error.

With that being said, let’s pay a look at how to troubleshoot and fix this HTTP error when uploading media in WordPress


Images sometimes trouble in uploading when the pixel size is large, for instance, an image with 4000*3000 pixels may be too large for your server to process.

Some server shows an error even when your image is somewhat less to that size. All this basically depends on your server resources.


Reduce the size of the image. Do not add a very large pixel image as well. If your post content area is around 800px wide, do not add an image which is larger than that. 1075px is enough for most of the WordPress website of you are using some premium theme. You need to check its documentation to know the image size required for it.

Since there is less to room to expand, all it does is shrink to that space. The problem with this is while uploading the size of the image WordPress will consume a lot of memory.


WordPress resources and functionality may be limited as it runs on PHP and the servers running PHP can limit the resources.

You also have the choice of increasing your PHP memory either all by yourself or ask your web hosting team to support team. The memory can be simply increased in 2 different ways:


– Increase PHP memory

– Increase WordPress memory

There is a code to increase the WordPress memory also, you may increase it while using the WordPress root directory.


It has been assured that in most of the cases a plugin has been conflicting with the upload process. Even my blog has in many cases from plugin conflicts.

It is mainly because of some outdated plugin or some syntax error that may be triggered because of upgrading to the latest version of one of the other plugin or WordPress.

Even the jetpack, plugins that assist in uploading CDB or AWS or remote servers cause WordPress error on uploading images.


Go ahead t disable one plugin at one time. Also, clear your browser and cache history in order to revisit media uploader to upload your image and check if you are successful.

In case you are not, try using any WordPress plugin and desktop application and also upload a raw .jpg, .png and also check if it works or not.


You would have never noticed this security or you would never know about it. You must have seen this file in your WordPress root directory and most of the times it is hidden. In any case, if your server mod security is enabled then in your case this file may cause some problems.


There is a need to disable the mod security for your upload, therefore, it is important that you create a.htaccess inside the WP admin folder and add the required codes.


If you see that it’s not a plugin or the limited memory causing an error while uploading the images then it is suggested that you have a look at the file permission on your server.

File permission can change automatically even if you do not alter it.

Do you wish to know how it changed?

If you are hosting a company, run an upgrade on their servers or a plugin has already been updated by you then the file permissions can be changed.

And if you are using a shared web hosting then there is a possibility that a hacker has accessed your files and file permission might be changed by a payload that the hacker may have uploaded.


This factor often remains unnoticed throughout when you are solving this error. Like in most of the cases no one even thinks about this. Many times users say that it was operational before I hit that update button.

Updating any plugin, a theme to WordPress can definitely trigger this error and many other errors since WordPress is built upon PHP and has some standards to follow. Therefore, the developer always stats the version that’s stable for WordPress.

If in any case, your server PHP version is not according to requirements then you need to your server support and ask them to make the changes of your PHP version to the requirement of WordPress.


If the file name consists of special characters or some accent letters, you need to rename the file in order to remove these characters and then upload to WordPress. Ensure that you do not use an apostrophe in the image file name as that will trigger the error.

Top Web Design Companies in USA

Top Web Design Companies in USA

Searching for top web designing companies in USA? Its difficult at times to find the top web design companies in USA so release you from this pressure here is the list of best website designers in USA that provides high quality web design services in USA. The winning companies that made it in GoodFirms meticulous research have a strong squad of top web designers from USA that provide phenomenal web design services to global client-base. The top performers were determined based on their expertise in UI & UX skills, design creativity, past work portfolio and client satisfaction ratio. Hence you can be sure of reviewing only the best ones. So, go ahead and give your business an impressive online presence by picking a reliable website design & development company in USA from the below list:

List of Top Web Designing Companies in USA | Best Website Designers in USA

1. BIG DROP | Digital experiences, re-imagined

BigDrop Inc is a design and development firm that specializes in bespoke digital solutions for brands of all sizes.Your identity is a reflection of your company and much thought and effort needs to be put into your presentation.  The current generation revolves around the web as primary means to run your business, serve your clients, and communicate your branded message to the World.

2. Recycling Media – 99Designs | Affordable Website Design Services

Recycling Media – 99Designs offers a wide array of website design, SEO, web development, and Internet marketing services aimed at establishing a unique and highly effective online presence for our clients. As a result of our knowledge, experience, and passion, we’ve become a leading force in redesigning the web as we know it. Its a very Affordable Web design company

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WP FIX employs a skilled group of WordPress developers that have come across more problems than you would ever want to know. This experience allows them to quickly and effectively troubleshoot any issue you are having with WordPress and get it resolved for you. Each of our WordPress Fixers go through a strict screening process before we bring them aboard and they MUST pass the scrutiny of our high level of support standards to make sure they service each and every ticket with the utmost care.

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Flynaut is an award-winning application development and digital marketing agency that helps brands make the most of their digital footprint. Flynaut’s repertoire of services includes web development, SEO, branding, mobile apps, PPC, inbound marketing, and internet marketing. We are based in Charlotte and caters to businesses the world over.

5. WEBFX | Digital Marketing That Drives Results

WebFX, Inc offers a wide array of website design, SEO, web development, and Internet marketing services aimed at establishing a unique and highly effective online presence for our clients. As a result of our knowledge, experience, and passion, we’ve become a leading force in redesigning the web as we know it.If you are looking for the Top 5 cheap professional website design companies then you should check this articles

Top 5 cheap professional website design company  You can also check the top wordpress marketing tips, 5 best wordpress plugin

5 Best WordPress Forum Plugins 2018

Top Free Page Builder Plugins For WordPress

Top Free Page Builder Plugins For WordPress

Page builder plugins have grown in huge popularity during a couple of years. You will become a web designer with a simple drag and drop functionality if you are using a page builder. It lets the opportunity for users to build their own website, without any prior experience of coding.

Today we will feature the top free page builder plugins for WordPress that you can use to create sophisticated and elegant web designs. These plugins among our list are compatible with any WordPress themes


Why do we place SiteOrigin in the first position of the list of our top free page builder plugins for WordPress? Because SiteOrigin is totally a free page builder plugin, it is an open-source project. With all the features including inside, SiteOrigin established itself as the leading page builder plugins for all needs page building.


Elementor is one of the most popular free page builder plugins but there have also an option to get the PRO version. It comes with a smooth interface and lots of useful elements in the middle of 2016 and thus became one of the best page builder plugins for WordPress. It is highly responsive and lets you completely customize the layouts using the settings and custom CSS.


Unyson continuously getting more popular as expands on new features and capabilities in design. More than 10,000 WordPress bloggers are now using Unyson page builder plugin. It comes with an extensive list of modern features, such as search engine optimized pages, customer feedback options, and so on.

King Composer

With a bunch of distinctive featuresKing Composer is one of the best free page builder plugins for WordPress. It comes to empowering you for creating web page effortless and editing element with one click. It saves the changes instantly without reloading the browser. With this drag and drop page builder, you will get some features which you haven’t seen anywhere else.


With more than 30+ content elements MotoPress became one of the top page builder plugins for WordPress that let users create beautiful and unique designs. The interface of this plugin is so easy to use that you create can page within minutes of starting to use the plugin. It is available both for free & premium version, whatever it costs less than half of what most other plugins cost.


If you are planning to set up a personal or business website, then WordPress is the best CMS (Content Management System) out there which provides you with lots of features and greater scalability options. The popularity of WordPress websites is unmatched as over 32 percent of all sites out there run on WordPress.

One major prerequisite needed to set up a WordPress website is a web host. Even though almost all web hosting companies out there support WordPress, while starting up with a small-scale site, it is a good idea to start with a cost-effective hosting provider which offers maximum value for a reasonable price.

To help you choose the best affordable web hosting, below are ten tips which will help in picking a cost-effective and highly reliable best WordPress hosting.

Top 10 Tips to Choose Cost-Effective WordPress Hosting.


It is essential you understand your web hosting requirements before picking a plan to get the best deal possible.

Web hosting providers offer a variety of hosting types such as shared hosting, VPS hosting, re-seller hosting, etc.

For most small-scale WordPress websites, shared hosting is the best and cheapest option. Shared hosting means that there will be multiple websites hosted within the same server as yours and you will be sharing the bandwidth and other resources with the other sites hosted on the same server.

Shared hosting is best for new WordPress websites as the bandwidth and storage requirements are quite low in the beginning, and you can always choose to move to a bigger plan when needed.

Moreover, make sure that the web host you choose runs on PHP version 5.2.4 or above and MySQL 5.0 or above, which are the minimum requirements to run WordPress websites.

Look for Freebies

Many of the trusted hosting providers out there offer a handful of freebies to go with their hosting plan purchases.

You often get Google Adword coupons, a free domain name, free backup service, etc. when you make hosting purchases.

In most cases, a minimum billing amount will be set to become eligible for the freebies and is a good bargain if you can make proper use of the free features that you get.


Many hosting providers offer one-click install tool for WordPress and other platforms which makes it easier for people to install a WordPress site on the host.

So, if you are not interested in taking the headache of manually installing WordPress on your host, then pick a provider that offers a one-click WordPress installation tool.


If you are new to web hosts, then the only way to be sure of hosting services is by actually using them.

Most hosting service providers offer a  money-back guarantee for a limited period, which makes it easier for you to terminate services and get refunded if the service provided does not meet your expectations.

However, the money-back policy changes with the provider, and it is very much vital that you carefully read and understand your rights to cancel service prematurely and get the refund.


Customer support is another critical point to look for while picking a web hosting. If you are new to WordPress and web hosts, there are high chances that you will frequently run into issues and need professional help.

The best help you can get is from your web hosting provider, and even though most providers offer excellent customer support, you must make sure of it so that you can be confident about an immediate and prompt response in case of any issues.


Backups are crucial for every website out there. There are a lot of chances where your entire website data may get deleted due to hacking attempts, some issues with your host or because of some mistake that you committed.

In any case, it is beneficial if your host regularly performs a backup of your website content as they can quickly content on your website in case of any problems.

To decide on whether you should take up the backup tasks yourself, inquire with the hosting provider on how often they perform backup operations and if there are any limitations to the backup service they offer.


Even though many hosting providers advertise unlimited bandwidth and other features within their hosting package, most of them do not really provide you with unlimited resources.

A maximum cap will be set for your usage, and if you exceed the limitation, then the provider will reduce the resources allocated to your website and in the worst case may even abruptly terminate your website for over-usage of resources.

Therefore, be clear and informed about the unlimited resources offered by the provider and also understand the extra charges you need to pay in case your website exceeds the cap for resources put by the provider.


Hosting providers offer dead cheap pricing for buyers who are purchasing the service for the first time. However, you will only come to know about the actual pricing when you renew the hosting for an additional period.

Even though you will have to face expensive renewal costs from all the providers out there, it will be easy if you check the renewal price beforehand and pick a provider depending on how much you are willing to pay as renewal costs in the future.


When you are in search of the best and affordable hosting plan, it is essential to compare all the options that fit your budget and requirements.

A direct comparison between the available options will help you quickly pick the best overall deal that is available to you at the most reasonable rate possible.


Last but not least, never forget to check out for reviews by existing customers.

Not all hosting providers that provide a good purchase deal offers good after-sales support and reliability. So, it’s best to check everything before you move ahead to build best website to make money.

The Internet is the best place to find professional and user reviews about web hosting providers, and you should take these reviews into serious considerations as you never want your website to experience downtime issues or other server-related problems just because you paid less or chose a less-reliable hosting provider.


There are tons of businesses and services that belong to the financial sector – such as startups, private firms, small businesses, investment firms, financial advisors and more. No matter what your business, it’s a lot easier to improve its visibility and establish your online presence if you have an impressive website. Launching your business website is much simpler if you use ready-made WordPress themes, as they offer numerous functionality, presentation elements, and tools that you need to quickly get your website up and running. Let me show you a good strategy to building a financial website with WordPress

  1. How do you select the Best Financial WordPress Theme?
  2. Here are some tips to keep in mind while evaluating WordPress themes for your business website. It should:
  3. Be designed in a clean and clear manner
  4. Make it easy for visitors to navigate your website and understand what your business is all about
  5. Have out-of-the-box features to quickly build common website elements such as contacts, product benefits, pricing details, services, portfolio, testimonials, blog content
  6. Be responsive and look great on both desktop and mobile devices
  7. Provide additional skins, layouts, pages and UI elements that can be easily customized to create user-friendly web pages

Based on the above criteria, here are 5 Best Financial WordPress Themes that you can use to build stunning business websites.


Monstroid2 is a new-age multipurpose WordPress template. It offers an ever-growing list of child themes that can be used to build business websites about a number of topics. It provides a diverse set of layouts and themes that allows you to customize your website any way you want. Whether you require a fun, small-business website or a serious corporate site, Monstroid2 will meet your requirements. It runs on Cherry Framework 5, which makes it quick & easy to personalize your web pages. It’s free version contains quite a few pro functionalities that will help you save money.


Wapuula is a great-looking, professionally designed WordPress theme that’s suitable for a variety of business websites. It employs a mobile-first design that makes your website look stunning on mobile and tablet. It provides a visual composer that allows even non-technical folks to easily manage the layout without writing a single line of code. It also provides many pre-redesigned pages and layouts out-of-the-box to help you go live in no time.


Legacy is a well-crafted WordPress theme suitable for building real estate websites. It provides more than 25 elegant themes, pre-designed layouts and pages to help you effortlessly build small-sized to large-scale websites for real estate and mortgage businesses. Like most popular WordPress Themes, it also provides a powerful drag and drop website builder that enables you to quickly design web pages without any coding. It even provides a collection of free plugins and widgets to integrate into your website.


If you’re looking to build a clean and minimalist corporate website, then this is the right theme for you. Corporate’s Inc is designed to give your business website a professional, corporate look. It provides an intuitive drag-and-drop page builder that allows you to quickly design your website layouts. It also offers a collection of free Cherry plugins that you can add to your website. It also includes WordPress Live Customizer that enables you to see the effects of your theme modifications in real-time.


If you’re looking to build a clean and minimalist corporate website, then this is the right theme for you. Corporate’s Inc is designed to give your business website a professional, corporate look. It provides an intuitive drag-and-drop page builder that allows you to quickly design your website layouts. It also offers a collection of free Cherry plugins that you can add to your website. It also includes WordPress Live Customizer that enables you to see the effects of your theme modifications in real-time.

Why website design and development is important


With over 2 BILLION websites on the Internet today, it is no longer good enough to just build a web designing.

The Internet provides your customers with the ability to learn about your product or service, it’s value, it’s price, and anything else they want to know, all without having to spend anything more than a little time.

How will you present yourself to this increasing audience? Have you done everything you can to capture every visitor to your web designing and engage them in such a manner that keeps them hooked? Building a website is no longer a “get a college-kid to do it” task. It is a more critical component of your marketing collateral than any of your other mediums for promoting your business. TV, radio, phone books, billboards, they all are nothing more than a waste if your website doesn’t give those mediums the leverage they need to convince your customers to buy from you.

Does your website portray the professionalism and quality that your company strives to portray on a daily basis? Do you need help creating a web designing that provides your marketing and sales departments with fluidity, getting them to finally work as a team? Accade web designers are experienced in the power of the web and what it can do for your business.

Our web design experts are ready to help you maximize your website’s potential. We can start with a blank dry erase board, or we can help you turn your ideas into a masterpiece. Take a look at all of the Web Design services we offer.


There are many entities that benefit from strong web designing in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets. Companies that have previously been distributing their software packages as local applications installed on the end-users’ computers are able to increase their market by offering the software in the form of an online web application that is accessible from anywhere in the world.

In some cases this involves completely redeveloping the application into a browser-based interface, or it may consist of merely adapting an existing application to use different presentation technology. Accade web designing & developers are trained in the fundamentals of computer science, allowing them to build any application with any framework and in any language. The benefit to you being that we do not create “vendor lock-in” by using closed source or otherwise difficult to maintain or edit software.

Do you have the next Facebook idea? Or do you have software that you sell now for customers that install it on their computer and would like to move to a web-based solution to stay up with current trends? Accade’s professional web application developers are ready to help you develop your ideas into the next big thing. We can start with nothing more than an idea on a napkin, or we can help you convert something you already have. Take a look at all of the Web.


U.S. Online sales grow between 20 and 25% per year and are expected to rise 11 % to $156 billion this year, excluding revenue from travel.

People spend money online because it’s easier for people to comparison shop and to find what they’re looking for. For those that think they will remain strong with their physical stores, it may come as a blow to know that much of the online spending will come at the expense of physical stores. The companies that properly prepare for the digital retailer age will set their pricing so it is the same on both online and offline channels have positioned themselves to be successful.

The world of e-commerce can be overwhelming with RFID, accounting systems, shopping cart software, inventory tracking, order tracking, shipping management, customer service, affiliate management, credit card processing, and more. At Accade, our E-Commerce Experts can help you seamlessly integrate all of your current offline systems to your online store.

Do you want to make sure your online inventory matches your offline stock? Do you want to make sure you are doing everything possible to maximize your e-commerce presence? Let our E-Commerce specialists take your online storefront to the max. We can build your first shopping cart system, or we can integrate all of your e-business systems.


Effective website content accomplishes two main goals:

  1. Effective website content is Search Engine Optimized with strategic keywords throughout the content that helps your website rank higher on Google, Yahoo!, MSN and other major Search Engines.
  2. Effective website content educates prospective buyers at each step of the buying process, providing perceived value, keeping the visitor from leaving the website.

Accade offers more than just website content development. We are able to provide content development for brochures, advertising, whitepapers, case studies, and articles/blog posts. We incorporate any and all essential mediums to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing presence; building value to prospective buyers and focusing on the most important thing: conversion – (getting a customer to subscribe, register, inquire, or buy something).

Our holistic marketing approach provides our clients with effective content that delivers the right message to the right prospective buyer, increasing overall returns on investment. Is your marketing and website content doing everything possible to maximize your value-positioning with customers and their decision to make an action?

Let our professional copywriters give you a hand. We can start from scratch, or help you finish some content that.


According to statistics, WordPress is the basis for over 25% of the internet. It’s one of the most popular Content Management Systems. People choose it for its convenience, customizable themes, and numerous plugins. This CMS allows users to create any design, however, the main secret of success is not the look of your website but high-quality content. Producing proper content is up to you, and it may turn out to be the most difficult task. WordPress cannot create content for you, but it still can help you make your content better.

The majority of online marketers focus their marketing strategies on content, and effective content management is necessary for everyone who works on content creation. WordPress offers you an opportunity to expand your content marketing capabilities. It constantly improves and has plenty of useful plugins. If you still think that WordPress is just a blogging platform, you’re wrong — it was made for content marketing, and in this article, we are going to explain how you can improve your content using WordPress.


First of all, WordPress is free. This is, probably, the main reason why so many people choose this CMS. You won’t need to overpay, as there are no hidden fees, even if your website becomes successful and profitable. In addition, it’s open-source, which means that you can modify and improve the source code as you want. This is the best choice for small business, as you don’t need to hire web developers and designers to create a website from scratch.

Secondly, WordPress is customizable. You can build websites of any kind using it. No matter is it a simple blog, business website, or even a sort of social network — customizable themes, plugins, and the open source code allow you to do whatever you want. That’s the reason why even major brands like AMC, Sony Music, and Xerox use it.

Finally, WordPress is SEO-friendly and has a simple editor. Colin Fout, a creative writer from College-Writers notes: “Optimizing content for search engines is necessary but the most annoying task, which takes a lot of time when you deal with HTML websites. WordPress makes optimization much simpler because there are special plugins, like Yoast SEO, that help optimize descriptions and headlines and even work with keywords.” The WordPress editor is also very simple and intuitive.


One of the most common mistakes is ignoring SEO settings. When you install WordPress, it allows you to make your website invisible for search engine bots, which isn’t a bad thing itself because it helps you develop your website with no need to worry about search results. However, many people forget to uncheck this option when their website is ready, and it never gets indexed. It’s also important to understand the difference between SEO settings for pages and blog posts. Even if you install an SEO plugin, it doesn’t mean that you can relax and forget about meta settings, you need to update them from time to time.

Another common mistake is writing content in Microsoft Word. Every copywriter knows what it is when your computer suddenly shuts down and you lose everything you’ve been writing for a few hours. However, the biggest problem is copying the text from a Word document and pasting it along with hundreds of weird characters. WordPress has its own post editor, it’s simple and convenient. In addition, it saves all your changes automatically and records previous versions so that you can always undo any changes if necessary.

Sometimes users also change the URL of their website. For example, they do it when they get tired of their previous domain. We don’t tell you not to do this, the point is to prepare for switching to another domain. You have to create backups, set up redirects, and let Google know you changed the address so that your traffic won’t drop.


  1. Include multimedia content
    A good website should look beautiful and entertain visitors, that’s why you need multimedia. You can easily add images and format them using CSS, however, plugins like ImageInject make this task even simpler, using the Flickr database to find images that fit your topic. You can also add audio or video clips using the “Add Media” button in the content editor or use Embeds to embed video content from other websites.
  2. Optimize your content for SEO
    We’ve already mentioned Yoast, which is a must-have tool for every content manager, however, there are also many other plugins that will increase your rankings. For example, PrePost SEO will help you check the keyword density, detect duplicate content, and analyze meta tags. It also identifies broken links and makes useful suggestions on how to make your content more effective.
  3. Be consistent
    As your blog gets bigger, it gets harder to remember what you’ve already posted in the past. This is why some bloggers start repeating themselves instead of generating unique content. Search Everything is a plugin that allows you to check all your previous posts on the same topic so that you can include internal links to the previous articles in your new posts with a few clicks.
  4. Include links to social media
    The more people access your content, the better. You need to use all the possible ways to share it with your targeted audience, and social media were made exactly for such a purpose. Thanks to plugins like Add Link to Facebook, you can easily share articles between your website and Facebook or vice versa. You won’t need to post your articles on Facebook manually anymore — this plugin will save you a lot of time.

If you still think of WordPress as of a simple CMS for bloggers, you certainly need to reconsider your opinion. WordPress can help you make your content better. It allows you to create websites of any kind and has many useful plugins that make the most cumbersome tasks simple. Using WordPress, you can quickly optimize your content and make it more effective, attracting more visitors and raising your content marketing to a new level.

7 Tips for Speeding up Your WordPress Blog in 2024

WordPress is currently the most popular platform used by companies who want to create a quick and effective blog for their website. However, simply setting up a WordPress site and letting it run isn’t enough to make sure that you’re giving your customers the best possible online experience.

Speeding up Your WordPress Blog in 2019

  1. Finding the Right Host
  2. Keep Yourself Up-to-Date
  3. Reduce Your HTTP Requests
  4. Allow for Compression Wherever You Can
  5. Keep your Images Optimized
  6. Start Caching
  7. Try a CDN

According to research by the Aberdeen Group, optimizing your WordPress site for speed is key to getting the best results from your online efforts. Even something as small as a one-second delay in your page loading times could make you lose your views and customers. In fact, one second of slowness could result in a 7% decrease in conversions, a 16% decrease in customer satisfaction, and 11% fewer views on your pages.

So the question is, how can you upgrade the speed of your WordPress blog quickly and effectively to boost conversion rates?

1. Start by Finding the Right Host

Ultimately, you can have the best, most impressive looking WordPress website in the world, but if it’s never going to be fast, then you should pick a better WordPress host. Using the right hosting plan can have a huge impact on your loading speed. This is why a lot of companies consider using a VPS or dedicated hosting when their traffic continues to increase.

Make sure that you choose a web hosting plan that’s perfectly suited for your business. For instance, if you run a website that features secured data transmission – such as an eCommerce site, then you’re going to need dedicated hosting to keep everything running smoothly. It might be more expensive, to begin with, but it’s crucial for the sake of giving your customers the experience they deserve.

2. Keep Yourself Up-to-Date

WordPress frequently updates its technology and plugins to make sure that users are getting the best possible experience out of the platform. Unfortunately, it’s easy to simply ignore these updates – particularly if you don’t spend a lot of time checking your email or upgrading your WordPress blog.

Making sure that your WordPress site is always up to date with the latest version can not only help it to load faster, but it could also mean that you’re less vulnerable to cyber-attacks and security problems too. After all, the two main things that updates address are often speed issues, and holes in defense strategies.

3. Reduce Your HTTP Requests

Approximately 80% of your page-loading times will be spent downloading the various elements within your pages, such as images, scripts, and stylesheets. An HTTP request will be made for each of these elements, so it makes sense that the fewer requests your website has to make, the faster your pages will load. So, how can you minimize your HTTP requests?

· Place your scripts at the bottom of your pages.
· Make sure you use CSS instead of images
· Streamline your elements on each page
· Think about combining multiple style-sheets into one

4. Allow for Compression Wherever You Can

One thing you’ll quickly learn when you’re running a WordPress blog is that high-quality content is key to success. Unfortunately, this content can be very heavy, which often means that it weighs your web pages down and makes them slower to load. Since you can’t compromise on the quality that your website offers, the next best thing is to simply compress that content to permit faster loading.

Using a simple compression software can help to reduce the HTTP response and bandwidth of your WordPress pages so that they begin to load instantly faster.

5. Keep your Images Optimized

Images are an important way of ensuring that your website is as engaging as possible. However, there are things to consider if you want to help them load as quickly as possible. Use image editing tools to reduce the size of your images, avoid any unnecessary empty SRC codes, and improve the overall performance of your visuals.

6. Start Caching

Using a cache plugin helps speed up the performance of your WordPress blog in no time. Caching on a website simply means that the information, data, and images on your site are stored in a specific location, so that your visitors won’t have to request data from your server every time they arrive on your website.

Caching reduces loading time drastically because it means that visitors don’t have to load everything from scratch every time, allowing information to appear faster on a screen.

7. Try a CDN

Finally, a CDN or a content delivery network can distribute your website files across a range of different servers. Since your static files are duplicated in locations around the globe, this makes it easier for you to transfer data to customers regardless of where they are.

5 Best WordPress RSS Feed Plugins 2024

Before we get started, I will give a brief introduction about what is RSS feed and the significance of RSS feeds.

What is RSS?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, but it could also mean Rich Site Summary or Real-time Simple Syndication. It is an XML-based content format that updates the user on the latest news, articles, headlines and content from all of their favorite websites.

Since it has been around for a long time, many have assumed that RSS feeds have withered away in time, just a little bit at least. But I’m here to dispel such faux nonsense. In fact, there are quite a lot of professional WordPress developers who are developing a slew of RSS feed plugins even as I speak.

So yes, RSS feed isn’t really going anywhere anytime soon. Imagine the kind of traffic bloggers and site developers can attract with this wonderful method especially if you’re running a WordPress site. Which is why I have proud to share this list of possibly the best WordPress RSS feed plugins there are today:

Category Specific RSS feed Subscription 4.6 / 5 9,000+
RSS Post Importer 3.3 / 5 20,000+
Feedzy RSS Feeds 4.8 / 5 20,000+
WP RSS Aggregator 4.4 / 5 60,000+
RSS with Images 3.4 / 5 900+
FeedWordPress 4.3 / 5 50,000+
Disable Feeds 4.6 / 5 20000+
RSS Includes Pages 3.6 / 5 30000+
Continuous RSS Scrolling N/A 1000+

1. Category Specific RSS feed Subscription

With this  WordPress RSS feed plugin, you can show your visitors a menu that consists of multiple RSS feed subscription options other than your regular subscription option.

If your site covers a lot of topics and your visitors don’t know about them, then it could be problematic as they would be getting plenty of notifications of articles that they are not interested in.

That’s where this RSS feed plugin comes to your rescue. It allows you to show category specific RSS feed for all of your categories. Interestingly, you can even configure up to 8 different custom topic-specific RSS feeds.

This WordPress RSS feed plugin allows you to create an RSS feed that is specific to your tags using nothing more than a simple shortcode.

Also, if you want to create RSS feeds for a particular article, then this WordPress RSS feed is the best option for you.

You can add this RSS feed plugin to the sidebar from the widget menu. Also, you can add a shortcode to your posts and pages.

2. WP RSS Aggregator

WP RSS Aggregator is highly revered for being the first and best RSS plugin that is responsible for easily importing, merging and displaying RSS and Atom feeds on your WordPress site. With more than 40,000 active installs, WP RSS Aggregator is one of the most popular WordPress RSS feed plugin.

It is the most robust and sleek WordPress RSS feed solution there is. The free version of this plugin lets you aggregate as many RSS feeds from over a number of sources as you like. You can also stagger them for the sake of better performance.

By using WP RSS Aggregator’s shortcode and its parameters, you can display all the important feeds from either single or multiple sources from any spot of your WordPress site.

The free version of this WordPress RSS feed plugin lets you import the unlimited number of feed items for your RSS feeds. You can also display feed items by using only the shortcode. It also allows you to import feed items with unique titles. Limiting feed items is also possible through this RSS feed plugin.

Also, you can also link the title and source to the original source.3. RSS Post Importer

If you’re looking for a WordPress RSS feed plugin that helps you in syndicating, curating, importing, merging and displaying complete text RSS and Atom feeds on your WordPress blog. The way this works is that it fetches an RSS feed and then publishes the full article of each feed item as a separate post.

Bloggers can make use of content syndication, which allows them to import the RSS feed from other blogs for their niche. This way, they can share relevant data with their visitors or readers. It is also quite the shortcut alternative to writing a blog post of their own from the ground up.

The plugin has a pro feature as well but the free version comes with a load of features as well. Using the free version of this WordPress RSS feed plugin, you can import feeds automatically using cron. It also allows you to import the full-text RSS feed content and display the full content of your articles

Also, you can choose to display only the titles of your posts in your RSS feeds. The plugin also gives you control over the number of posts and category in your feed. You can also set the author for your imported content.

4.Feedzy RSS Feeds

Aggregating feeds has never been more fun or even easier than with Feedzy RSS Feeds. You get to curate, and display feeds in your posts or pages with the help of shortcodes and widgets. Here are some of the key features that help it stand out:

• Mobile-responsive: Every one of the displayed feeds are responsive, even the one with images. The caching is done automatically, letting you breathe in a sigh of relief when it comes to page loading times.

• Shortcode-friendly: The plugin generates all of the shortcodes for your posts. You can choose how to display the feeds on your site with the editable shortcode parameters.

• Images Appear In Feeds: You can make your feeds more interesting by adding in the first image of the aggregated content. Or you could just pick out a custom image that you want to be featured alongside the feeds.

• Unlimited Feeds: You have all the freedom to add in as many feeds to a single page as you like. You can even use the same feed shortcode from other posts and pages.

5. RSS with Images

Give your RSS feeds a little flavor in order to prevent them from turning out bland and boring by adding some attractive featured images in your site’s RSS feeds with ‘RSS with Images’. It even comes with customizable sizing options.

It works very well with Mailchimp’s RSS-to-Email campaigns, which allows you to get more out of your email newsletters. You can even customize the XML encoding of your RSS feed. The only downfall to this is that it won’t add any existing images to your feeds, not like that’s much of a big deal.