
How to Properly Move Your WordPress Blog from to

Ok, so you’ve been a user of for a while now. Things have been pretty nice so far, but you’ve come to a point where you’re ready to go beyond You want to install plugins and customize your themes. You want to really start monetizing your site and be in full control. Well, you are in the right place. While today’s article won’t discuss the differences between and, we will take a look at a question that a lot of users have been asking us: how to move your existing WordPress blog to a self-hosted site. In this step by step tutorial, we will show you how to properly move your WordPress blog from to We will cover how to transfer all of your content to a site (yes this include images). We will also cover how to keep all of your search engine rankings along with how to redirect your existing users to your new site. Are you ready? Let’s start transferring your WordPress blog over to your new self-hosted site.

Things You Need Before You Start

You will need to have a domain name and a good web hosting company that knows WordPress. We highly recommend that you use Bluehost because they will give you a free domain and 50% off their hosting plan (special for WPBeginner users). Bluehost is also an officially recommended hosting provider of WordPress.

If your WordPress site already has a custom domain name, then don’t worry. We will cover that as well. Lastly, you will need access to your account, so you can easily move all of your posts, pages, images, comments, and other data over to your self-hosted WordPress site.

Before you get started with this migration tutorial, we want to let you know that we can migrate your site for FREE as part of our Free WordPress blog setup service. This will be less hassle for you, but if you are someone who likes learning and doing things yourself, then follow our step by step tutorial below.

If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.

Step 1: Exporting Data from

Sign in to your account and go to your blog’s Dashboard. Click on Export under Tools menu.

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Clicking on the Export tool will take you to a new page where you will be asked to choose between Free or Guided Transfer.

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Choose the Free option by clicking on Export. On the next screen, you will be asked which data you want to export. Select “All Content” and press the Download Export File button. An XML file will be downloaded in your computer which will contain all of your posts, pages, images, comments, custom fields, categories, tags, navigation menus and other information.

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Step 2: Setting up WordPress

Now that you have exported your data, the next step is to set up a fresh WordPress install on your web hosting. WordPress is very easy to install, and it only takes a few clicks. We have a step-by-step tutorial on how to install WordPress within 5 minutes. Once you have installed WordPress, it is time to import your content into your new self-hosted WordPress website.

Step 3: Importing Content into Self Hosted WordPress Site

To import your old content from to your new site, you need to click on Tools » Import option in your self-hosted dashboard.

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Next click on WordPress. You will be asked to install the WordPress Importer plugin. Once you install it, activate and run the importer plugin. It will take you to a screen where you will be asked to upload your XML file that you downloaded in step 1 of this tutorial.

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Note: if your file size is larger than 2MB, then you have two options. One is to ask your web hosting company to increase that limit temporarily, so you can get on with the process. The other option would be to split your file by using aWXR file splitter.

When you start importing, you will have the option of assigning your old content to a current user or create a new user. You’ll also have the option of importing your old attachments (you want to make sure that you check this box to ensure that your images are imported).

Step 4: Importing Your Blogroll Links

If you had been using the Links feature on your blog to store blogroll or other links, then you need to follow these instructions to export and import them. Users who were not using this feature can skip to Step 5.

Blogroll links are exported in OPML format. It is an XML format which allows you to export and import your links and link categories. Your links have an OPML file located at an address like this:

Replace example with your blog’s subdomain. If you are using a custom domain with your blog then your OPML file can be accessed by visiting a URL like this:

Your OPML file will open in your browser window and you need to save it to your desktop. Press CTRL+S (Command+S on Mac) to save the file on your computer.

Now that you have a backup of your links, the next step is to import them into WordPress. However, self-hosted WordPress does not have a link manager enabled by default.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Link Manager plugin. The plugin’s page says that it hasn’t been updated in last two years. That’s because it didn’t need updating and you can confidently install this plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item in your WordPress admin bar labeled ‘Links’.

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Your WordPress site is now capable of managing links and blogrolls and you can safely import them. Visit Tools » Import and click on Blogroll to install the OPML importer.

wordpress blog

Upon installation, you will be redirected to the importer. Where you need to upload the OPML file you saved earlier and click on import OPML file button.

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WordPress will now import your links and link categories from the OPML file. You will be able to see the progress and on completion, you will see the success message.

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Step 5: Setting your blog to private

The final step would be to set your WordPress blog to private. If you don’t want to redirect your old users to your new site, then go ahead and follow this step. Go to the Reading page under the Settings tab, from your Dashboard and select the last option, “I would like my WordPress blog to be private, visible only to users I choose”.

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Attention: If you have been writing for some time, and you have a loyal audience, then it does not make sense to leave them hanging. Furthermore, if your blog has been out there for a while, then chances are that it is indexed in Google and other search engines. You should keep all the search engine juice and easily redirect your old users to your new WordPress blog.

Step 6: Redirecting Visitors and Preserving SEO

Redirecting users to a new location with a 301 header is the standard solution to keep search rankings while moving a site from one location to another. Since you don’t have access to .htaccess on, you can not make any changes by yourself to retain search engine rankings. However, offers a paid upgrade, Site Redirect, which provides this functionality.

Go to blog’s dashboard and click on the Store menu item. The upgrade you are looking for is called Site Redirect. At the time of writing this tutorial, this update was reasonably priced at $13 USD per year. This upgrade provides 301 redirect which allows your site’s visitors and search engines to be automatically redirected to your new site.

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Some of you will ask how long should I keep paying for this Offsite redirect feature? The answer is for as long as you want to. However, we personally think that 2 years would be enough time for your old users to memorize your new domain name :)

If you are changing domains, then another thing you want to do is update all in post URLs. If you ever inter-linked your posts, then those links have to be updated. Use our article on how to update URLs when moving your WordPress site.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We wrote this article in January 2013 and since then we’ve received tons of great questions. A lot of which we’ve answered via email or in comments, so thought it would be nice to compile it at one place where everyone can see them.

What happens with my Subscribers?

Thankfully, allows you to migrate your subscribers with one condition. You must use Jetpack plugin which adds the same subscribe functionality that you had at Once you install and activate the Jetpack plugin, you would need to contact the team and ask them to migrate the subscribers for you. Our hope is that in the later versions of Jetpack, this will become easier and users will be able to do it themselves.

Can you help me transfer from to for FREE?

Absolutely. We offer migration from as part of our free WordPress blog setup service. If you need our assistance, then simply signup. It’s free :)

What are the costs of switching to

WordPress is free. However, there are some minimal web hosting costs. We recommend that you read this article on: Why is WordPress free? What are the costs and what is the catch?

I already paid, can I get a refund?

Yes, you can. If you recently purchased a custom domain or a paid plan from, then you can ask them for a full refund.

Note: Domain registrations can be canceled within 48 hours of registration. Plans and other purchases can be canceled within 30 days of purchasing.

Will my images break?

No, they will not. When you transfer using the import file, all attached images are downloaded and the link is updated. However, there is one caveat that we noticed. If your image URL starts with, then they will not be converted. If you notice that the image URL has not changed and still points to, then we recommend that you use import external images plugin, and it will take care of that.

I registered my domain through, can I still move?

Yes, you can. WordPress believe in empowering users and giving them full control of their content. If you already have a domain name through, then all you need is a web hosting account. We recommend that you set up with Bluehost or any of these other WordPress hosting providers. During the signup phase, you will be asked do you have a domain or want to register a new one. Simply select the option that I have a domain name, and insert the domain that you registered at Next thing you would have to do is change the nameservers to point to the hosting provider. We’re able to assist with this as part of our free setups service. You can also ask your web hosting provider for support.

How to Customize WordPress

Customize WordPress Let me be honest with you, WordPress is a brilliant platform for creating websites and blogs. It’s relatively easy to master, it packs a ton of features. On top of all that, it’s also really customization-friendly.

Customize WordPress

In other words, if you want to change anything about it – and we do mean anything – WordPress allows you to do so in one way or the other.

The following guide covers a lot of ground and gets you through the process of WordPress customization from start to finish.

1. Once You’ve Installed Your WordPress Website (or a Blog)

At this point, you have your website launched – as in, made available for the world to see. You have your WordPress theme selected, everything looks more or less as you imagined it.

Now is the time to take care of some important, yet not that obvious steps that will help you make your site look exactly like you want it. To make it safer, easier to manage, and optimized for the search engines.

Here are the individual steps:

1. Set the permalink structure:

Or rather, set the correct permalink structure.

The thing is that WordPress comes with a default permalink structure, but it’s not the most optimized one. That’s why you should Customize WordPress to fix it right upon making your site available to the world.

If you go to your wp-admin / Settings / Permalinks, you’ll see this:

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This “Plain” permalink structure doesn’t let you create descriptive URLs for your posts and pages, which is bad not only for SEO but also for your visitors. Change that setting to the one labeled “Post name” (visible above).

2. Make sure the site is visible to Google:

This is a quick check, but a very important one, if you want your website to ever rank in Google for any keyword.

Go to your wp-admin / Settings / Reading, and make sure that the following checkbox remains unchecked:

Customize WordPress

3. Get site backups taken care of:

Customize WordPress Backups are always your most important asset in case anything bad happens to your site.

It can happen that one day your hosting platform fails and you’ll lose the site temporarily. Or maybe it falls victim to a hacker’s attack. Those things sometimes happen, but they are less painful if you have a working backup stored someplace safe.

The easiest way to have this taken care of is to install a backup plugin, and then let it work on autopilot – backing up your site every day without your supervision.

For a free solution, try out UpdraftPlus. For a top-tier solution – one that also offers a range of additional security features – go with VaultPress.

4. Enable traffic analytics:

As a website owner, you need to know how many visitors you actually have at your site, and how they are accessing it. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. There’s so, so much more what you can learn about the people visiting your website.

Luckily for all of us, Customize WordPress most in-depth analytics tool is available for free. I’m talking about Google Analytics.

You can hook it up to your site by going to Google Analytics’ official website and following their getting started guide.

To make the final integration steps easier, get the free MonsterInsights plugin.

5. Get a security plugin:

In all of WordPress’ glory, it’s also a platform that’s often a victim of hacker attacks or malicious software that tries to take advantage of various security holes in one way or the other.

Unfortunately, due to WordPress’ popularity, those attacks happen more often each year. Even though the platform itself is not what you’d call bad in terms of security, we can still make things a lot better with an additional security plugin.

The one we recommend is called iThemes Security – a free plugin. The good thing here is that it offers most of its magic right out the box, so there’s nearly no initial set up to do.

6. Enable caching and connect to a CDN:

Those two technologies usually go together, since they both impact the performance of your site and its speed – the time it takes to deliver the site to your audience.

In short, when a visitor enters the address of your site into their browser bar and presses Enter, many things happen. Many of them can be optimized to effectively make the waiting time shorter. And that indeed matters! For instance, it’s reported in a study that 47% of people won’t wait longer than 2 seconds for a website to load. “Won’t wait” means that they will leave and go to some other site instead.

Caching and CDNs are two of the most effective ways to fix that.

In itself, caching is a fairly boring topic, but its core is that it takes some of your website content and stores it in a way that allows that content to be served quicker when the next visitor asks for it.

A CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. Basically, it’s a network of servers that take your site’s static content (such as images or other content that doesn’t change that much) and deliver it to your visitors from the server of the nearest geographical location.

How to get all that goodness in Customize WordPress ?

  • Caching is something you can enable by installing a free plugin called W3 Total Cache. It works mostly on autopilot, so there’s no need to go through its many pages in the WordPress settings menu (but I still recommend you at least read them to find out what’s possible).
  • When it comes to a CDN, I have two alternative recommendations (get just one):
    • If you’re looking for a free solution: CloudFlare (suitable for new WordPress sites).
    • If you don’t mind investing in your site performance: KeyCDN (great even if your site starts growing in the future).

We urge you to read some more about both of these topics. All the solutions recommended here do quite a bit of explaining in their documentation/website materials.

7. Create new user accounts:

After the initial installation of your WordPress site is done, you end up with a single user account – the main administrator account.

First order of business: make sure that the username is secure.

Yes, the username. We’re not even getting into the passwords yet.

Long story short, if your username is anything like “admin”, or “site admin”, or “administrator”, or anything like that – it’s poor for security and you need to scrap it!

To do this, you actually need to go to wp-admin / Users / AddNew and add a completely new Administrator user account. Only this time, make the username not obvious.

Delete the old admin account once you have the new one added.

Second order of business: make sure that your password for the admin account is safe. Here’s a great quick guide for that.

Third order of business: create a separate Editor account for yourself. This account you will use for all content creation/editing purposes. An approach like that is much safer than using your admin account for everything. This way there’s less possibility that you mess something up by accident.

To do this, go to your wp-admin / Users / Add New again, and create a completely new account selecting the user role of Editor:

Customize WordPress

2. Customize Your Theme

This part is probably the main thing on your agenda when it comes to launching a WordPress site that fits your needs 100%.

With every WordPress theme, no matter the quality it is and what awesome features it offers, there’s always something. There’s always that little, or slightly bigger, something that you’d like to change before you can honestly call the final result “yours”.

And that is exactly what we’re discussing in this section of the guide.

1. The limitations:

First things first, the individual customizations that we’re just about to go through, won’t be available in every single WordPress theme on the market. Basically, your specific theme selection will highly impact your ability to follow through with certain changes.

Customize WordPress Unfortunately, old themes, or themes that haven’t been updated in a while, won’t have that much to offer you in the realm of customization. For new and/or modern WordPress themes, this isn’t an issue.

Note. If you feel that your theme might not be up to par and that you probably could use something that’s slightly more in tune with the modern standards, feel free to visit our other guide and go straight to point #5.

2. Understanding the WordPress Customizer:

In short, every modern WordPress theme allows you to customize various details of its appearance and features through the built-in Customize WordPress.

Many of the customizations we’re presenting in this guide involve the Customizer in one way or the other. That’s why it’s important to get yourself familiar with it.

You can access the Customizer by going to wp-admin / Appearance / Customize. This is what you’ll see on the left sidebar:

Customize WordPress

On the right-hand side, there’s the preview of your site – it changes in real time as you do any modifications.

Depending on the theme you’re using and the plugins you have installed, you’ll see more or fewer modules in the Customizer’s sidebar. Therefore, don’t worry if your sidebar doesn’t look quite like the example above.

To begin, just spend a couple of minutes browsing through the individual sections in the Customizer and check out what is there.

3. Set a custom header:

The header together with the logo is, by far, the most identifiable parts of any WordPress website.

Depending on your theme, the header and the logo might be regarded as one thing. In this case, you can handle them both in one place. In this article, we will keep things standardized for most scenarios – hence separating the two.

To work with your header, go to the Customizer, and then click on the box labeled either “Header”, “Header Image”,  or something similar (this changes from theme to theme).

If it’s your first time, you’ll probably see something like this – not much!

Customize WordPress

To begin, just click the “Add new image” button. This works just like the standard WordPress uploader for media, nothing fancy.

There is a small caveat, though. You’ll notice that WordPress suggests certain image dimensions for the header image:

Customize WordPress

Depending on your theme, those numbers will vary. Now, the caveat is not to pay attention to that at all.

Yep, you’re reading this right.

What you actually do is always try to pick a high-quality, high-resolution image, and then scale it down afterward using WordPress’ own tools.

For example, I went with a nice image that’s 1920×1080 – more than the recommended dimensions. After uploading it, I just click “Select and Crop”:

Customize WordPress

At this point, WordPress provides me with its own set of tools for making sure that my image fits the theme’s space limitations:

Customize WordPress

And just like that, I have a header image:

header ready

4. Set your logo and favicon:

To set/upload your site logo, go to the Customizer and click on the box labeled “Site Identity” (unless there’s a dedicated box labeled “Logo” or something similar):

Customize WordPress

Two things you’re going to do here: (a) set the logo, (b) set the site icon.

Starting with the logo. First off, setting aside all the marketing and branding qualities of your logo, from a purely technical point of view, a good logo should be saved as a transparent PNG file (without a background). Once you have such an image, just upload it by clicking on “Select logo”. You will again get to use WordPress’ tools for cropping and adjusting the final image. Here’s my result:

Customize WordPress

The next step is setting the site icon, also known as Favicon. Traditionally, the best idea is to take your logo, remove any text from it, and then set it as the site icon. This works well because site icons occupy very little space in the visitor’s browser bar, so the simpler they are, the more readable they will be.

To upload your site icon, just click on “Select Image” in the Site Icon section of the sidebar. Once done, you’ll see something like this, along with the preview of the icon:

Customize WordPress

Don’t know how to create a Favicon? Use those favicon generators instead.

5. Adjust the colors:

Some WordPress themes let you customize the default colors used for things like the website background, links, main texts, secondary texts, and more, depending on the specific theme.

You can do this all in the “Colors” section of the Customizer:

Customize WordPress

Apart from that, you can also choose from some pre-defined color schemes – visible in the image below.

I encourage you to experiment with this and select colors that go along with your business identity and branding.

6. Set a custom background:

At this stage, most WordPress themes support customizable backgrounds, which includes not only setting the colors – as mentioned in the previous point – but also custom background images.

This is done in Customizer’s “Background Image” section.

Once you pick up a background image from your hard drive, you’ll see this:

Customize WordPress

Some important details:

  • Background Repeat – this defines what happens when the visitor scrolls down the page and eventually runs out of your background image.
  • Background Position – self-explanatory, but switch between them to see the difference.
  • Background Attachment – Scroll means that the image will scroll along with the rest of the site content. Fixed means that the image will always stay in one place.

7. Additional theme-based customizations:

Since there are thousands of themes available out there, and many of them add their own blocks to the Customizer, covering all imaginable possibilities in this guide is simply impossible.

So at this point, we just want to encourage you to browse through all the Customize WordPress available in your current theme and experiment with what you find there.

To give you an example, there are many additional Customize WordPress you can come across in some of the more feature-rich themes:

Customize WordPress

8. Plugins to use for theme customization

Here’s a list of other useful theme customizations you can enable by installing some interesting plugins:

  • Page Builder by SiteOrigin. Great for adding entirely custom content elements and custom layouts to your pages and posts. One of our favorite plugins.
  • NextGEN Gallery. Create and showcase great-looking image galleries.
  • Content Views. Nice plugin if you want to display your blog posts as a grid, rather than the standard WordPress list.
  • Unique Headers. Create original headers for individual posts and pages.
  • Shortcodes Ultimate. Add custom content blocks to your website content (such as buttons, lightboxes, lists, tooltips, and more).
  • Portfolio. Use it to showcase your work/projects. Great for business websites.
  • Related Posts. A very nice way to display links to related Customize WordPress content right below your posts.
  • Custom Sidebars. Create unique and customized widget areas throughout your posts and pages – more than what’s available in WordPress by default.
  • Easy Google Fonts. Truly awesome plugin if your current theme doesn’t allow you to change the default typography.
  • Strong Testimonials. A cool plugin to have if you’re running your WordPress site for a business purpose and you’d like to showcase testimonials from your clients.
  • Simple Custom CSS. Last but not least, a really useful plugin if you want to get into some more advanced customizations involving tweaks to the CSS styling of your site.

3. Set up “Menu” and “Widgets”

We don’t think that there are many websites out there that don’t have any menus at all. Maybe those small, business-card-like one-pagers, but that’s really not the effect we’re going for in this guide.

You need the menus!

Here’s how to work with menus in WordPress:

Go to your wp-admin / Menus. This is where everything takes place. Begin by checking the individual pages that you want to have on the menu, and then click “Add to Menu”:

Customize WordPress

At this point, you will see your new pages on the right-hand side. The cool thing is that if you want to rearrange the pages, everything works with drag-and-drop. But Customize WordPress main thing to do here is to assign the menu to one of the available locations and save it.

Customize WordPress

Now you have your new menu created and assigned to the main menu area.

For more variety, you can also create separate menus for your social media profiles, or anything else that makes sense. WordPress doesn’t limit you in any way.

But where to display all those additional menus? This is where widgets come into play.

All Customize WordPress themes come with at least one widget area, usually more. Widget areas define the specific spaces within your theme design where you are allowed to display custom blocks of content.

You can see this by going to wp-admin / Appearance / Widgets. There are available widgets on the left, and widget areas on the right. What you do is quite simple – just grab a block from the left and drag and drop it somewhere on the right.

Customize WordPress

Really cool stuff, and easy to use. Following this path, you can, for instance, take all of your additional menus and display them as widgets.

But widgets go actually way deeper. I highly encourage you to check out the widgets you currently have available (depends on your theme and plugins), and see what cool stuff you can place throughout your site design to make it more interesting to the readers.

4. Confirm that Your Website is “Mobile-Friendly”

Making sure that your website is optimized for mobile viewers is more important than making sure that it’s optimized for desktop.

It’s not that we wholeheartedly believe in the principle itself, but we do believe in the raw data. It just so happens that mobile traffic is now bigger than desktop traffic (data is confirmed). This means that by not having a mobile-optimized site, you’re potentially losing website traffic.

How to achieve mobile optimization?

First, you need to check if your current design is mobile-friendly. There are a couple of ways to do that:

1. Go to automated tests.

Two popular solutions include:

  • Mobile-Friendly Test by Google
  • Mobile Friendliness Test Tool by Bing

There’s no inferior tool among these two. It’s a good idea to use both, and see what they have to say about your site.

Simply go to either of the above, enter your website URL, and wait for the results. Takes only a minute.

If you’re lucky, both Google and Bing will say that your site is optimized. That’s good. You can stop reading this section of the guide.

If not, you will be given some suggestions and tips on what you can do to improve the situation. We’re not going to go through that here, since every website scenario is different, and anything I’d share here wouldn’t be applicable in most cases. In short, just follow the tips given by Google and Bing.

Note that it’s worth to check not only the main URL of your website – the homepage – but also a small set of subpages, particularly:

  • your blog listing,
  • example single blog post,
  • example single page,
  • any custom landing page you have.

2. Do manual tests.

You can carry out the manual tests yourself. They are more about your own subjective impression of the site’s mobile-friendliness, rather than data-based calculations.

To begin, go to the WordPress Customizer. Take a look at the bottom left corner:

Customize WordPress

Those buttons allow you to switch between common device sizes, so you can see how the site behaves. It’s a very handy tool, and it lets you see if everything is in order. Make sure that:

  • all texts are readable,
  • images aren’t too big or too small,
  • ideally, there should be no horizontal scrollbars,
  • the balance between image size and text size is correct (so one is not overpowered by the other),
  • the menus work properly (sometimes it’s an issue with the design on the mobile).

Apart from WordPress’ own tool, you can also use the options available in the Chrome browser. Go to the main menu and access the “Developer tools”, or just press Ctrl+Shift+i on your keyboard (Win).

Then you can click the “Toggle device toolbar” button:

Customize WordPress

You will be able to alternate the viewing mode between specific popular devices. For instance, you can view your site as it appears on the iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5, Nexus 5X, and more.

I encourage you to use both Chrome and WordPress’ tools to really examine how your site behaves, and check if everything is in order.

3. Fix things

If your current theme doesn’t pass the mobile-friendliness test, unfortunately, there’s not much you can do without getting your hands dirty and going through a lot of source code.

Customize WordPress In an extreme scenario, you might have to pick another WordPress theme. After all, if a theme is not mobile-friendly approaching 2017, it doesn’t look good for its reputation.

Don’t panic! You can still experiment with the following. There are two alternative paths you can take if you don’t want to change your theme:

(a) Experiment with “tune-up” plugins:

  • Easy Google Fonts – This one I already mentioned earlier. You can use it to change your typography settings in order to make texts more readable on mobile.
  • Responsive Menu – Helps you fix your menus and make them mobile-friendly.
  • Adaptive Images for WordPress – Helps you load your images more effectively on mobile.

(b) Get a mobile plugin:

There’s a plugin called WPtouch. Once enabled, it checks every visitor coming to your site, and if they’re on mobile, it displays them a separate, alternative version of your site design.

Be aware that it takes over the appearance of your site on mobile completely, so your visitor no longer sees your current WordPress theme.

If you don’t want to change your main theme, and your site is still not mobile friendly, then the WPtouch plugin is probably the best solution.

5. Set Up Your Homepage

For a long time, WordPress has neglected the whole idea of homepages altogether. Your only options were to either have the default blog listing as your homepage or to take one of your standard pages and assign it as the homepage.

These days we have a lot of options. Some of them coming from “team themes”, others from “team plugins”.

Let’s deal with themes first.

Depending on the theme you’re currently using, you might have some custom homepage options available. Example of a popular free theme:

Customize WordPress

All of those sections marked here take care of customizing a specific part of the homepage. Again, Customize WordPress options are different from theme to theme, so we won’t get into them. You should still closely examine what’s available in your current theme.

In a nutshell, if the theme offers any homepage customizations, use them as widely as you can.

If not, there’s a workaround.

Customize WordPress Start by creating two new pages:

  • call the first one HOME; leave it blank (no content); publish that page,
  • call another one BLOG; also leave it blank and publish.

Then go to your wp-admin / Settings / Reading. There, assign HOME as the “Front page” and BLOG as the “Posts page”:

Customize WordPress

At this point, when you go to your main domain, you’ll see a blank page.

That’s where plugins come into Customize WordPress play. If you want to keep things free and on a budget, there are two options:

  • the previously mentioned Page Builder by SiteOrigin,
  • and Live Composer.

Once you install and activate the first one, when you go back to edit your new HOME page, you’ll see a new tab:

Customize WordPress

When you click it, you’ll go to the SiteOrigin builder. This is where you can set custom layouts and content elements on your homepage.

Some example content blocks you can use (just a small portion of what’s available):

Customize WordPress

We’re sending you over to SiteOrigin’s documentation and examples. Those docs will show you how to use the plugin effectively Customize WordPress.

Here’s an example homepage built this way:

Customize WordPress

Customize WordPress As you can see, tuning up your homepage can be a lot of fun. Generally, we don’t recommend you to work with your theme’s source code to tweak the homepage manually. Even if you somehow manage to get the visual effect that you wanted, you can never predict how the changes are going to behave once you update WordPress, or even when viewed on other devices. Working with your theme’s or plugins’ native features doesn’t cause the same problems.

6. Create IMPORTANT Pages in WordPress

Speaking of the homepage, it’s also worth mentioning which other pages you can use on your WordPress site apart from the main one.

Here’s a quick list, mainly just headlines – we’ll let you figure out what you can put on those pages:

  • About – tell people about yourself and the site.
  • Contact – let your visitors contact you.
  • Portfolio.
  • Services and products.
  • Team.
  • Getting started – tell people where to get started with your content.
  • Client Testimonials.
  • Tools and recommendations.
  • Coupons.
  • Content archive.
  • Support.
  • Career.
  • FAQ.
  • Advertising.

7. WordPress SEO (and what you need to do)

SEO is a crucial element for most websites on the web, and also a crucial part of website customization. Frankly, without SEO, it’s more difficult for your audience or customers to find you on Google. Not good!

Now, there are two sides to SEO:

  1. On-page SEO.
  2. Off-page SEO.

Off-page SEO is about everything you do outside of your site – talking about your brand elsewhere, convincing people to link their site to yours, getting social media shares for your content, etc. Let’s leave that for now.

On-page SEO is about everything you can do to optimize your individual WordPress pages to be more Google-friendly. This is what we’re going to cover here.

WordPress comes with some built-in SEO optimizations, not many. That’s why you need a Customize WordPress plugin to boost things up. The most popular and the best one is called Yoast SEO.

That plugin is incredibly feature-rich. To cover all those features here would require a guide of its own, so we’re just going to focus on the absolutely crucial stuff, and then let you do further reading/tuning-up if you’re interested.

Let’s begin with Customize WordPress going to wp-admin / SEO. Then switch to the “General” tab, and view the introduction tour. It will explain how to work with the main sections of the plugin to make your WordPress site optimized.

yoast tab

After that, go through each of the other tabs and provide the info you’re asked for. The “Webmaster Tools” tab is particularly important as it allows you to hook up your site to the Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools (both deliver crucial insights about your site’s SEO health).

Next, go to wp-admin / SEO / Titles & Metas, and fill in all your preferred page titles and meta descriptions. This helps to optimize the default versions of those pages. If you’re not sure about some Customize WordPress of the toggle switches, you can safely leave them with their default values.

The next section – wp-admin / SEO / Social – is where you can hook up your social media profiles, and enable both Facebook Open Graph and Twitter Cards – those will help you get your content more visible on those platforms.

Next, go to wp-admin / SEO / XML Sitemaps. Basically, the only thing you need to do there is to make sure that the sitemaps are enabled (the top toggle button). XML sitemaps are used by Google to navigate your website and eventually get to your individual posts and pages.

At this stage, you’re pretty much done Customize WordPress  with the main settings, but you should also have a look at your individual posts and pages, and tweak their specific SEO parameters too. In short, when you go to edit any post or page, you’ll see this box at the bottom:

Customize WordPress

  • (a) – the main SEO snippet that’s visible in Google searches. Tweak this first.
  • (b) – the main focus keyword of the page. Set it to the phrase what’s the most important for you when it comes to that specific page.
  • (c) – tips on how to optimize your page based on the focus keyword.
  • (d) – additional tab offering tons of useful tips on how to improve the page’s readability.

Note. Customize WordPress crucial to tweak the SEO parameters for your most important posts/pages, including the homepage!

8. Add Social Media Integration

The last thing we’re going to take care of when it comes to tweaking and customizing your WordPress site is getting some proper social media integration!

Social media is essential! It’s how a big part of your audience even finds your content, and it also has an impact on your SEO (this has been proven by some time ago).

Long story short – your goal with social media integration is to:

  • make it easy for people to share your content,
  • make those individual shares optimized,
  • share content yourself effectively and at the right time,
  • be on all the main social networks,
  • make it easy for people to follow you,
  • track your social media popularity.

Here are the tools that will help you do so:

  • Share/like buttons. The best way to get yourself some of those is to use the Share Buttons & Analytics by GetSocial plugin. It’s free, and it gives you a set of very good-looking and functional buttons for all networks. Plus, you can place those buttons in various places through your site design (no matter what theme you use).
  • Posting your content automatically. A very neat trick you can implement to make your work with social media much easier is to get yourself some kind of an auto-posting plugin. The one I recommend is called Revive Old Post. After a short configuration, it will pick a random post from your archives, and share it on your social media profiles.
  • Make your shares look good. By default, if someone shares your content on social media, the share itself includes just the title of the post and a link to it. However, if you get a plugin like WPSSO, you can include images into the structure of the shares, plus make them much better looking and thus much more likely to be spread.
  • Follow buttons. Lastly, you need some nice follow buttons that will encourage your visitors to add you as a social media friend. There’s a great generator for Twitter here, and a plugin to get a similar thing for Instagram.

Advantages and Disadvantages of WordPress Frameworks

The concept of a WordPress Frameworks is something that’s very common both within the modern web and within the software development environments. For the front-end, we have frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation, for web applications, we have frameworks like Yii and Rails, and for desktop (and even some web applications) we have frameworks like .NET. And these are just to name a very small and select few.

WordPress Frameworks

Generally speaking, WordPress Frameworks are good: They provide a level of abstraction with which we, as developers, can work with in order to easily create generic functionality – such as user login and authentication – along with more specific code, such as logic that’s specific to whatever the problem is that the software is aiming to solve.

In short, Wikipedia defines a framework as follows:

A software framework is a universal, reusable software environment that provides particular functionality as part of a larger software platform to facilitate development of software applications, products and solutions. Software frameworks may include WordPress Support programs, compilers, code libraries, tool sets, and application programming interfaces (APIs) that bring together all the different components to enable development of a project or solution.

As with many modern platforms, WordPress is no different. Of course, WordPress itself is not a framework – it’s an application that can be extended through the use of its many APIs. But there are a number of different frameworks that are available all of which aim to help ease the burden of writing a lot of repetitive code.

But is this a good thing? That is, does it make sense to have so many choices of frameworks from which to choose as it relates to building WordPress themes, WordPress plugins, or web applications based on the platform?

Usually, it depends on what you’re trying to do.

Throughout the Tuts+ properties, we try to cover as many frameworks as possible – some for WordPress, some for the various languages and platforms that were mentioned earlier – but in this article, we’re not going to be looking at a specific framework.

Instead, we’re going to be looking at the advantages and disadvantages of selecting a framework when working with WordPress to help make better decisions as it relates to building sites, applications, and other projects on top of WordPress.

With WordPress, it’s completely possible to mix various frameworks in order to achieve your end result, this article assumes that you’re evaluating whether or not to use a single framework in order to help with your work.

As far as WordPress is concerned, there are currently (and generally) two types of frameworks:

  1. Drag and Drop Frameworks
  2. Options Frameworks

Drag and Drop WordPress Frameworks are usually related to building the user interface of a website. Often times, these come in the form of various pages in the WordPress forum Dashboard that allows you to arrange pre-defined elements on a page and have them render in a said arrangement for the user to see.

Options WordPress Frameworks, on the other hand, are usually used for code-specific functionality and usually provide some type of abstraction for one or more of the WordPress APIs. This includes, but is not limited to, the Settings API, the MetaData API (for Posts, Users, Comments, and so on), and even some of the APIs related to templates.

Whatever the case, there are both advantages and disadvantages that come with choosing a framework all of which are important to consider when determining whether or not you’re going to work with or without a framework.

One of the major advantages of using a framework is the speed at which you’re able to assemble functionality.

Sometimes, people will refer to this as rapid prototyping, but WordPress Frameworks have matured to a point such that you can often get away with creating full-on interfaces, sites, and applications – not just prototype – when working with the API.

Though building content-driven sites with WordPress out-of-the-box is straightforward enough, many frameworks – especially drag and drop frameworks – make it that much faster to create more elaborate page layouts.

For frameworks that primarily deal with WordPress’ APIs, frameworks can provide a nice level of abstraction such that much of the repetitive code that we’re used to writing is tucked away within the framework.

Perhaps one of the best examples comes when looking at frameworks for the Settings API. The Settings API, although powerful, is also verbose and cumbersome when it comes to getting elements to display on the screen. Frameworks seek to solve this problem by providing a way to more easily create settings, options, and settings with fewer function calls and clearer code.

Of course, abstractions comes not just with the Settings API but for other APIs, as well. Opting to use one of these frameworks can save a lot of time and help ease the tedious nature that comes with working with some of the more repetitive aspects of the WordPress-based code.

Another advantage of using WordPress Frameworks is that it helps bridge the gap between what we’re expecting to happen and what really happens.

This is most easily seen within drag and drop frameworks: You have a predefined set of regions with which to work such as headers, sidebars, content areas, and footer areas, and then you place the regions where you’d like within a container. Once done, said regions appear exactly on the front-end as you’ve arranged them on the back-end.

The same can also be said for API-specific frameworks, too. Although the visual nature of writing code isn’t as clear as working with a page template editor, good frameworks can often provide clear classes, function names, and other facilities all of which help to more easily understand how all of the moving pieces of the software fit together.

One such example may come in the form of creating a setting in the WordPress Dashboard. Say, for example, you want to introduce a textarea that is only going to support plain-text (that is, no markup or scripts allowed), and you need to label it, sanitize its data, validate its data, and display its data.

Using a framework, what may take three different function calls and at least two callbacks to do can be done in a single function call with perhaps one or two callbacks. On top of that, the function names are a bit clearer and are more indicative of the work they’re doing and the type of elements with which they’re doing it.

On the flip-side, if you opt to use a framework then you’re automatically creating a dependency between yourself, third-party code, and WordPress.

This means that if your code is based on a framework, and that framework is based on WordPress, then the abilities of the framework are limited only by the most recent version of WordPress that it WordPress Support.

If the framework stays up to date with WordPress as it undergoes development, and the framework is released along with the major updates of WordPress, then keeping your code in sync with the most recent developments is easy.

On the other hand, if the framework lags behind the most recent version of WordPress, then your code can only be as updated (and as secure and reliable) as the most recent version of WordPress that your framework supports.

Another challenge that comes with using frameworks is that many times, frameworks are elaborate wrappers for existing functionality that exists within WordPress. To that end, there are going to be times where frameworks provide access to functions that may not always be available as WordPress is updated.

Say, for example, you have a framework that provides access to a certain API that becomes deprecated in the latest version of the core application. Furthermore, the framework does not properly deprecate its code until another release cycle.

This means that the code that you’ve written based on the framework is using deprecated function calls. For a release or two, this may not be a big deal, but once that functionality is gone from the core application and the framework hasn’t addressed this, then you may not be able to use the latest version of WordPress or some of its newer features because the framework hasn’t properly deprecated its code with that of core.

WordPress Frameworks can be really powerful, but when it comes to using them, it’s often times a good idea to go “all-in.” That is to say that when you use a framework, it’s usually nice to write all of your code using the framework rather than some of the code using the framework and some of the code using the WordPress APIs.

In other words, you don’t want to mix the code that you’re writing such that you have a bit of a hodgepodge of code that’s sort of based on a framework and sort of, you know, not based on a framework.

After all, the purpose of a framework as defined earlier is to provide an abstraction for generic functionality.

To that end, if a framework is an incomplete or lacking functionality specifically for something that’s provided with WordPress core, then you’re left with one of two options:

  1. Forgo the feature that you want to use and wait for the framework to make it available,
  2. Side-step the framework and use core WordPress code alongside your framework-based code in order to achieve the desired result.

Initially, it seems clear that if the framework doesn’t offer something that you need, then simply use what WordPress provides. But when you do this, you’re mixing the type of code that you’re writing such that you’re introducing a level of complexity when it comes to maintaining the software.

If a framework later introduces a set of features that cover what you once wrote as vanilla WordPress code, you’ll be tasked with updating said code to conform to that of the framework. From there, if the framework isn’t continually updated to stay current with WordPress, then you’re back at the dependency and deprecation problems.

How Do I Get My WordPress Site Listed on Google?

Recently, one of our users asked us how to get their WordPress site listed on Google? Being the largest search engine in the world, Google is quite good at automatically detecting and listing new websites. However, sometimes it may not automatically list your website right away. Since Google is the biggest traffic source for most websites, it’s important that you get your website listed in Google immediately. In this article, we will share how to easily get your WordPress site listed on Google.

WordPress Site

Why Should You Get Your Website Listed on Google?

Google is the top source of traffic and visitors for most websites. If you are serious about starting a blog or launching your small business website, then you need to get your website listed on Google as soon as possible.

If you are following the WordPress SEO best practices, then search engines like Google can automatically find your website. However this could take some time, and you will miss out on potential customers.

But you can easily expedite this process. Let’s take a look at how to get your WordPress site listed on Google.

Listing Your WordPress Site on Google

Before we start, you would need to create a Google Webmasters Tool account (also known as Search Console). You can easily set it up by following our step by step instructions on how to add your WordPress site to Google Webmaster Tools.

Step 1: Check WordPress Settings for Search Engine Visibility

After you have set up your Webmaster Tools account, you need to make sure that your WordPress site is visible to search engines. You can check this by going to Settings » Reading page and scrolling down to the Search Engine Visibility option.

WordPress Site

Make sure to remove the check mark from this option, so search engines can crawl your website.

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save changes’ button to store your settings.

Step 2: Installing Yoast SEO Plugin

Next thing you need to do is install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you will see a new item in your WordPress admin menu labeled SEO. Go ahead and click on it to see the plugin’s settings page.

WordPress Site

On the settings page, you will see the Webmaster Tools tab. We will use this to connect Google search console with your WordPress site.

Step 3: Connecting Google Search Console with WordPress

Now that you have installed Yoast SEO, you need to add your website to Google Search Console. You can do this by clicking on the Add Property button inside your Google search console account.

In the website field, you must add the full website URL. It is important that you use the same URL that you’re seeing in your browser’s URL bar including WWW or non-www as well as HTTPS.

WordPress Site

Once you add the website URL, it will take you to the verification page where you need to verify that you’re the owner of this website. There are multiple methods that you can use to verify ownership. The easiest way is listed under the Alternate methods tab called “HTML tag”. It will give you a meta code that you need to copy.

WordPress Site

Next, switch back to your WordPress admin area and visit SEO » General page. In the Webmaster Tools tab, you need to paste the code in Google Verification Code field.

WordPress Site

Once you are done, click on the Save Changes button. Now go back to Google search console account and click on the Verify button. Your website ownership will be successfully verified.

If for some reason it doesn’t verify, then you need to make sure that you clear the cache in WordPress.

Step 4: Setting Up XML Sitemaps

Once your site is verified, you need to go to SEO » General page in WordPress admin area and click on the Features tab. Next, you need to scroll down to the XML sitemaps option and turn it on.

WordPress Site

After that, click on the Save Changes button to properly set up XML sitemaps in WordPress.

To view your sitemaps, you can click on the question mark icon next to XML sitemaps title. It will display the link that you can follow to see all your XML sitemaps.

WordPress Site

Next, you need to submit your sitemap to Google webmaster tools. Sitemaps help Google search bots easily find and index your new content.

Step 5: Submitting XML Sitemaps to Google Search Console

Simply log in to your Google search console account and select your website.

You need to go to Crawl » Sitemaps on the left side of the screen.

WordPress Site

Next, you need to click on the Add/Test Sitemap button on your screen and add your sitemap URL.

WordPress Site

Your main sitemap file is sitemap_index.xml, and it has links to all other sitemaps on your site. You need to simply submit this main sitemap link, and Google will automatically crawl all other sitemaps on your website.

Once you are done with these steps, you can visit your Google search console account to check your listings. Once Google has crawled and indexed your website, you will start seeing reports in the search console.

Another important factor that affects search rankings is website speed. Slower websites are bad for user experience and are often ranked lower than faster websites. See our guide on how to improve your website performance

That’s all. We hope this article helped you get your WordPress site ess site listed on Google. You may also want to check our expert pick of the best WordPress SEO plugins and tools that you should use to optimize your website.

Wix vs WordPress – Which One is Better?

Are you trying to decide between Wix vs WordPress to build your website? While WordPress is the most popular website builder in the world, it is not the only option. Wix is another popular builder that allows you to easily create a website. In this article, we will compare Wix vs WordPress and highlight the pros and cons. Our hope is that with this Wix review and comparison, you will be able to decide which platform is right for you.

Wix vs WordPress

We have broken down this comparison into 5 categories:

  1. Costs
  2. Ease of Use
  3. Design
  4. Flexibility
  5. E-commerce

Let’s see how Wix and WordPress stack up into each of these categories.

1. Pricing and Costs

The cost of building a website is an important factor when choosing your platform. The total costs of developing and maintaining your site will entirely depend on your needs. Our goal is to make sure that you can do whatever you need within your budget.

Let’s compare the pricing of Wix vs WordPress to find out which one gives you more bang for the buck.


Wix offers a basic website builder for free. However, there are two major downsides to it. First, it adds Wix branded advertisements on the top and bottom of your website. Second, you cannot use a custom domain name for your site, so your site address will be:

Apart from that, the basic plan does not offer the necessary add-ons such as Google Analytics, Favicons, eCommerce, etc. To remove ads and get additional features, you’ll have to upgrade to one of the premium plans they offer.

Each Wix premium plan has different storage and bandwidth limitations. You can pay monthly or choose a yearly plan.

Wix vs WordPress

The best value plans on Wix is the Unlimited plan ($12.50 / month), and if you want an eCommerce store, then you need the eCommerce plan ($16.50 / month).

This cost does not include any apps that you later choose to use on your website.


The WordPress software is available for free for anyone to use. We often get asked about why is WordPress free and what’s the catch?

Well, the biggest catch is that you need your own domain name and web hosting to install it. There are several WordPress hosting providers that you can choose from. See our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting.

Depending on your budget, you can start with a basic plan with a WordPress hosting provider like Bluehost that will cost you $2.75 per month and includes a free custom domain name. If your budget permits, then you can use a managed WordPress hosting provider like WPEngine which costs $29 per month.

The cost of a WordPress site will increase if you decide to use premium WordPress themes or plugins. However, there are thousands of free WordPress themes and plugins available that you can use to reduce costs. You can add any feature to your WordPress site using a plugin without upgrading your hosting plan.

For more information about Wix vs WordPress, see our guide on how  to build a WordPress site.


WordPress beats Wix with flexible plans available from a variety of web hosting companies. The cost depends on how much resources you use, and you are free to use your WordPress site in any way you want.

Ease of Use

Most beginners don’t want to spend too much time learning new skills. Both Wix and WordPress allow you to create websites without learning to code.


Wix comes with powerful and easy to use tools to build your own website. It offers a simple drag and drop interface where you can select any element on your site and start editing it in a WYSIWYG interface.

Wix vs WordPress

You can drag and drop items anywhere on your site, rearrange things on your pages, write content, and add media in a user-friendly environment. Many beginners would find this feature a blessing as it saves them from dealing with code.


WordPress comes with a visual editor to write your content and theme customizer which allows you to edit your theme properties in a WYSIWYG environment. However, by default WordPress does not come with a built-in drag and drop page builder.

Wix vs WordPress

To get the full control of the appearance, users will have to familiarize themselves with different sections like navigation menus, customizer, visual post editor, etc. This means that WordPress requires a small learning curve for beginners.

On the other hand, there are thousands of themes that make customization really easy.


Wix is clearly the winner here. Users don’t need to spend much time to learn the platform or install any plugins before they can start building their website. On the other hand, they will need to understand the WordPress basics and may need to install plugins to build their site.

However, you can use powerful WordPress page builders like BeaverBuilder or Divi that offers a lot more power than standalone Wix builder.

Design and Layout

Your site’s design and layout play an important role in your success. Every site owner needs a design that’s not only good looking but also user-friendly and makes their brand stand-out.


Wix comes with more than 500+ pre-made templates to choose from. All Wix designs are fully responsive and written in HTML5. Using the built-in tools, you can further customize your site design, change the layout, and rearrange items as you see fit.

Wix vs WordPress

There are designs available for every kind of site. Templates are divided into categories like business, eCommerce, hobbies, arts & crafts, personal, etc.

One big disadvantage is that once you have selected a template, you cannot change it. You can modify it and customize it as much as you want using only the built-in tools, but you cannot switch to another template.


There are thousands of free and paid themes available for WordPress. Free themes come with limited support, but they also go through a strict review process. Paid themes generally offer more features and come with premium support options.

Wix vs WordPress

WordPress themes range from small personal sites to full-fledged eCommerce sites. Most themes come with built-in customization options of their own. You are also free to further customize them using your own child themes and plugins.

Users can download free themes from directory. For paid themes, there are several WordPress theme shops like Themify, CSSIgniter, StudioPress, and more. See our list of the best commercial WordPress theme shops.

Furthermore, you can hire a developer or learn to create a completely custom theme for your company.


WordPress has a much larger range of themes and design layouts than Wix. WordPress users can also easily switch themes or customize them as much as they want without any restrictions.

Plugins and Apps

plugins and Apps are third-party extensions that you can use with your platform to add more features. Wix calls them apps, and in the WordPress ecosystem, they are called plugins.

Let’s compare apps and plugins available on both platforms and what you can do with them.


Wix comes with nearly 200+ apps that you can add to your site. These apps offer a wide range of features like adding contact forms, gallery, comments, email list and so on.

Wix vs WordPress

Most apps are free or have a lite version. Other apps require monthly payments and vary in prices. Even though there is a limited collection of apps, they cover most commonly requested features by site owners.


At the time of writing this article, there are more than 55,000+ free plugins available in the plugin directory alone. Not to mention, premium plugins available on other marketplaces.

Wix vs WordPress

The saying goes in Wix vs WordPress: if you can think of it, there’s probably a WordPress plugin that makes it happen.

Whether you want to create a contact form, install Google Analytics, build a membership website, or sell online courses, there’s a plugin for that.

You can do just about anything you like with WordPress. There are plenty of plugins both free and paid which you can utilize on your site immediately. In this case WordPress win in Wix vs WordPress.


WordPress easily beats Wix in this area as well. Even though Wix’s app library is growing, it is still limited in comparison to the huge choice available to WordPress users.


Now Wix vs WordPress in selling things online is another important feature that most beginners look for. Let’s see how WordPress and Wix compare in eCommerce.


Wix offers eCommerce with their paid plans. This means users with the free plan cannot run their eCommerce store on Wix without upgrading to a paid plan. With the WixStores, you can only accept payments using PayPal or

There are a few third-party apps that you can use for selling things online, but those apps would cost you even more money with their monthly fees. Not to mention you have limited payment gateways and limited functionality.


WordPress makes it super easy to create your online store using WooCommerce, which powers more than 42% of all ecommerce websites in the world. There are also plenty of other eCommerce plugins available for WordPress that you can use to sell physical or digital goods, services, events, subscriptions, and more.

Most eCommerce plugins for WordPress even have their own dedicated themes and have plenty of themes designed specifically to work with those plugins. See our list of best WooCommerce themes for some excellent examples.

Top 5 WordPress plugins You Should Use In Your Blog

In this post, you will learn everything you need to know about the best WordPress plugins and you will get the list of the best WordPress plugins to install on your blog.

Plugins are like software that extends your WordPress blog. You can use a plugin to improve the look and feel of your blog design or to add new features or functionality to your blog. There’s a plugin for everything. And WordPress Support to help with it.

Activating a handful of essential WordPress plugins is one of the first things I do after I start a blog. Over the years I have tested many of the plugins and this post is my beginner guide to the world of plugins.

1. HTML5 Maps

Interactive maps are a great way for travel blogs to show countries that they’ve traveled to and where they have content about. These maps have clickable regions or countries to bring people to specific categories on your site. Goats On The Road uses the paid Interactive Maps Plugin ($21) because it’s more intuitive and has more features and map options than HTML5, but for a free plugin, you can’t beat HTML5 Maps.

WordPress plugins

They won’t give you all of the maps without upgrading to premium, but at least you’ll be able to embed a sleek looking map on your destinations page to get started.

It’s worth noting that these maps can load slowly depending on your caching system and hosting plan. If you find that they’re loading slowly, it may not be worth it to have this plugin on your travel blog.

2. Yoast SEO

One of the most important factors for growing any new blog is to make sure that your website has a solid SEO (Search Engine Optimization) foundation. This is going to help your site rank in search results like Google and thus, drive traffic to your site.

At the time of writing, Goats On The Road receives over 75% of its traffic from direct organic Google searches. That shows just how important it is to keep search engines and SEO on your mind while building a new site.

WordPress plugins

Yoast SEO is a free plugin that allows you to not only optimize your sitemap and readability of your blog but also optimize your on-page SEO directly from the Edit Post screen in WordPress. If you have Yoast, then after you’re done writing a post you can scroll to the bottom of the page and check the SEO health of your post before publishing.

Yoast tells you how good your SEO is with a handy green, yellow or red light and gives you dozens of tips on how to add to the post to give it an SEO boost. The plugin will count your keywords, check readability, allow you to edit your metadata, check for optimal length and more.

WordPress plugins

No blog should be running on WordPress without this handy, free plugin.

3. Wordfence Security

Every website is prone to get hacked at some time or another. Facebook has been hacked, Instagram has been hacked and even Google Drive has been hacked, so don’t think for a second that your WordPress blog is immune to viruses, malware, and hackers.

Our site was hacked earlier this year, but luckily we caught it early and updated our Wordfence Security plugin to prevent it from happening in the future.

WordPress plugins

To combat the ongoing online crisis of hacking, you need to protect your site using a security plugin. Wordfence is powered by a constantly updated Threat Defense Feed and Web Application Firewall which helps to stop your site from getting hacked.

If you’re reading this post and you don’t have any sort of Malware security plugin installed on your blog, you should stop reading this right now and go download one from the plugin directory. We use Wordfence and it seems to do the job (so far).

4. TinyMCE Spellcheck

I have no idea why WordPress doesn’t have a built-in spell check and grammar check in the edit post dashboard, but until they do, the TinyMCE Spell Check plugin is an absolute must for travel bloggers.

I’m not saying that it catches everything. If you’re a long-time reader of this blog, you’ve still probably seen a few grammatical errors and spelling errors, but this plugin easily cleans up 90% of your incorrect English.

WordPress plugins

Your readers will expect you to be somewhat professional in your blog posts, and if they’re forced to read through a slew of mistakes, then you’ll immediately lose credibility and they’ll likely click away to another website.

The TinyMCE Spell Check adds a little ABC icon to the WordPress Edit Post screen and when you click it, it will underline all of your spelling errors. It also checks for grammatical mistakes and it will offer suggestions if there are multiple ways a certain sentence or phrase can be written.

5. W3 Total Cache

A caching plugin is vital to ensure that your website is running as fast as possible. But what is caching? Basically, web browsers like Google Chrome and Safari actually save data from websites that users visit frequently. So if you visit Goats On The Road, your browser will cache (or save) some of our images, website layout, and videos so that the next time you visit, you don’t have to wait for your internet to load the content, it will already be cached in your browser.

WordPress plugins

To ensure that your website is caching your content and serving it to web browsers around the world, you need to have a good caching plugin. W3 Total Cache has long been one of the most recommended caching WordPress plugins for WordPress and it’s pretty easy to install and implement.

There are 16 pages of settings for this plugin, but you don’t really have to tinker with any of these settings. The plugin will optimize itself for your site and you can pretty much let it run right out of the box. For further you can ask to WordPress Support.

10 Steps to Secure Your WordPress Site

One of the most important things you can do when building a WordPress website is making sure it’s secure. While you can never get site security up to 100%, you can certainly shoot for 99% and you can accomplish that by enacting measures — both big and small — that account for every access point of your site and its vulnerabilities.

WordPress Site

Now, some of you might already think your site is pretty secure. And that’s great, but why not take a couple of minutes and run through this list I’ve put together of things to look for with regard to WordPress website security? You’ll walk away with an action plan or feel more confident about your existing measures — and both are good things.

Here are 10 things you should look for or pay attention to ensure your site is as secure as it can be.

1. Limit Dashboard Accessibility

When someone has access to your WordPress dashboard, they can add new posts and pages, upload files, and change your settings. An inexperienced person could make a mistake without realizing. Or, the intent could be more malicious. Regardless, you should only give those access to your dashboard whom you trust.

You can whitelist your IP address to restrict anyone not at your IP from accessing your dashboard, which can greatly reduce hacking attempts. Of course, you’d need to always access your site’s admin from the same IP.

To do this, add a new .htaccess file to your wp-admin folder then add this code:

order deny,
allow from YOUR IP ADDRESS
deny from all

And if you want to protect your theme and WordPress plugins from editing by unauthorized users, you can add this code to your wp-config.php file:

define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );

2. Block Directory Browsing 

You likely already know that websites are set up so that files are contained within folders on a server. Typically, someone can browse the contents of each folder or directory, which could leave you open to malicious hacking attempts. You can make it so the contents of certain folders aren’t viewable to the public at large, however. This is an obscurity tactic and though it won’t make your site 100% safe, it gives hackers less info to work with, and less info is what you want.

To block directory browsing, open up your .htaccess file again and insert the following code at the very bottom:

Options -Indexes

That’s all there is to it!

3. Remove WordPress Version Information

WordPress themes used to automatically output the WordPress version number you’re using in the <head> tag of the site. However, WordPress itself now inserts this information and while it’s useful for WordPress to know when analyzing who is using what, leaving this information so it’s available to anyone who takes a peek at your code is a security hazard.

Why? Because giving a hacker the version number outright makes their job easier. And you don’t want to make a hacker’s job easier! Instead, just insert this code into the functions.php file for your theme:

function remove_wp_version() {
return '';
<span style="line-height: 1.8em;">add_filter( 'the_generator', 'remove_wp_version' );

This will remove the version number and add another layer of security to your site.

4. Evaluate Your Username and Password 

You’ve heard this advice time and time again but you really, really need to listen to it. Choosing a difficult username and password is important for your site’s overall security. First of all, never use “admin” as your username. Since it’s the most popular username for WordPress, leaving this the same is like giving hackers half of your data.

Second, use a series of numbers, letters, and symbols for your password. Basically, make it impossible for a human to guess, and extremely difficult for a machine to crack.

5. Perform Regular Site Backups

Many people roll their eyes when they hear they need to back up their sites often. Not because they don’t understand it’s important; rather, because the thought of backing up an entire site is exhausting. A lot of people just don’t want to commit the time and effort to the project.

Thankfully, backups can be completely automated these days and are actually a wise solution because they can be scheduled in advance. That way, you’ll never forget to back up your WordPress website again. The WordPress Codex has detailed instructions on how to backup your site manually. Or, you can opt for a WordPress plugins solution (Backup Buddy and VaultPress are two options we’ve used before here at WPExplorer).

6. Keep Your Site Up-to-Date 

Hackers come up with new strategies to wreck websites on a daily basis. So running an outdated version of WordPress is just asking for trouble, especially since WordPress publishes the flaws and security holes in previous versions as soon as a new version is released, as seen in the above photo. Always make sure your site is running the latest version for optimum security.

7. Pick Secure Themes 

It’s also important to select themes that have a good reputation. Those made by less than reputable developers or that don’t have the cleanest code could open up your site to security vulnerabilities once installed. Read reviews of themes before you install them and if you’re purchasing a premium theme, always purchase one from a well-known WordPress website.

Likewise, always install theme updates when they become available. What was said above about keeping the WordPress core files up to date applies here as well.

8. Pick Secure Plugins

What I said above about themes applies to plugins, too. Though the advice is likely doubly true for plugins since they can sometimes contain malware or malicious code. Don’t download a WordPress plugins from a developer you don’t recognize and always install updates when they become available to maintain site security.

9. Protect Your Files

One of the most important files on your entire WordPress site is the wp-config.php file. It stores a tone of data about your site, includes details about your database and the settings for the site as a whole. A hacker with the right knowledge-base could change everything about your site just with this file’s info. So, as you can imagine, it’s important to protect it.

Thankfully, you can with a relatively simple fix. All you need to do is add the following code snippet to your .htaccess file just below where it says # END WordPress:

<Files wp-config.php>
order allow,deny
deny from all

10. Pick the Right Hosting Provider

A lot of your site’s security comes down to the WordPress hosting provider you choose. While I can’t tell you which host is best — there are way too many variables to consider to discuss in this article — I can tell you that reading reviews is imperative to making a wise decision. Be sure to evaluate a host’s security, backup solutions, and server type before coming to a final choice (we talk more about what to consider when choosing a host in our post about selecting the right host and our post about the best host for you).

How to Build a WordPress Blog

A few reminders regarding self-hosted and free WordPress Blog:

  • self-hosted blogs cost money, either monthly or yearly
  • self-hosted blogs, in every sense, are more professional
  • self-hosted blogs give you total control over features and scalability
  • free blogs are, well, free and you won’t have to set up anything
  • free blogs are the way to go if you’re just thinking of having an online journal, nothing serious
  • free blogs have a set of fixed features – with this you won’t have to touch a single line of code

WordPress BlogSelf-hosted means you’ll have a domain name of, while a free WordPress Blog will give you In any case, we will focus on self-hosted blogs in this guide.

WordPress Themes

There are thousands of WordPress themes out there, free and premium, and it will take you an entire week just to pick the one suited for your needs!I’ve taken the liberty of selecting two premium themes and two free themes so you can get started easily.

How to Install a WordPress Theme

Installing a WordPress theme is easy, all you need to do is log in to your dashboard and hover your cursor on “Appearance” and a window will slide out, click on “Themes”

WordPress Blog

After clicking on “Themes” a new page will appear. By default, you will see two themes for the fresh installation. In order to install a new WordPress theme, you need to click on “Install Themes”.

WordPress Blog

Now you have two options:

  1. Install via upload
  2. Install via search

To install by uploading, of course, you will need to download the WordPress theme files. After doing so, simply click on Upload.

WordPress Blog

The next steps will be pretty straightforward:

  • after clicking upload, a new page will appear
  • click on “choose file” and select your WordPress .zip file
  • click “install now”
  • followed by “Activate”

Your new WordPress theme is now ready!

WordPress Plugins

For the setup of each plugin, it would be impractical to write a step-by-step guide for each of them since the authors of these WordPress plugins have written a guide themselves. All you need to do is follow the links and read the guides – in-depth and to the point!

W3 Total Cache

WordPress Blog

The most recommended caching plugin for WordPress. What it does is it speeds up your WordPress Blog, making your website a more desirable experience for every user. It can also save you bandwidth, as it minimizes the downloads and requests made by the user from your server.

Bandwidth is the amount of data your server can accommodate. The more people downloads or requests your website gets, the more bandwidth you are using. When you reach your maximum bandwidth, your website will run very slow and might even go offline.

You can find an in-depth installation guide for W3 Total Cache on the download page itself. It’s tedious, but the time you spend making it work will benefit you in the long run.

WordPress SEO by Yoast

WordPress Blog

The best SEO plugin for WordPress to boost your website’s traffic from search engines. This is how people find your website based on your content and based on their searches. Based on your text content and keywords that you use, people will find you easier.

Everything from your first sentence, focus keyword, title, and page URL will help bolster your ranks on search engines. The WordPress plugins will straight up tell you what you need to do, especially under the Page Analysis tab. All you need to do is follow the instructions given.

The example above is a simplistic approach to things just to give you an idea of how it works. In reality, if you want to dominate search engines with your blog you will need to do keyword research and find the perfect keyword for you.


WordPress Blog

Social media buttons are a necessity today for websites to increase promotion across social media sites. How will people like or tweet or pin your blog post if you don’t have this cool floating bar right beside your blog post? It’s non-obtrusive and won’t make your blog run slow. I use it for my WordPress Blog!

WordPress Blogging Tips

1. Setup Automatic Backup to Dropbox

You can’t be certain what will happen to your website, so backing up your database and files on a separate location other than your server is highly recommended. It’s free and automatic!

2. How to Create a Favicon

What is a Favicon? Check your browser’s tab for and you will see a small icon. Do you want to have one too? Sure!


  • Faviconer – this is where you will create your favicon, or you can design it using Photoshop or Gimp, just be sure to keep a 16×16 or 32×32 size.
  • FileZilla – an FTP client so we can install FileZilla. WARNING: don’t fiddle around here too much since you will be dealing with your website’s files directly. Any changes will affect your live website.


  1. Prepare your favicon (and don’t forget to name it favicon.ico).
  2. Using FileZilla, login to your FTP.
    • Host: (just change it with your own domain, prefixed by ftp).
    • Username: you can find this under FTP of your Bluehost dashboard.
    • Password: the password you used to login on your dashboard.
    • Port: usually it’s port 21
  3. Once logged in, you will see a list of folders to your right. Click on public_html.
  4. Upload your favicon.ico here, replacing the default one.
  5. Wait for the file to propagate!
  6. Profit!

Find your FTP details here:

WordPress Blog

This is how FileZilla looks. Click on public_html to find your Favicon.ico.

WordPress Blog

Easy, right? Just be sure to not tell anyone what your password is! This is basically the brain of your blog!

3. Facebook Like Box

WordPress Blog

Want this on your sidebar? I’ll show you how!

  1. The first thing you need to do is to create a fan page.
  2. Next is to customize your Like Box.

Next is to fill up all the necessary fields and check/uncheck what you deem necessary.

like box facebook

After setting it all up, click on Get Code. A window will pop up and you’ll just need to copy the code.

like box facebook code

Hey, don’t judge. I’m lazy, so I just usually use the Iframe version. With HTML5 and the rest I’ll have to insert the code in two different locations, but with the Iframe version, I’ll just have to paste it as a widget in my sidebar.

WordPress Blog

That’s it! You’ll soon see your Facebook like box on your sidebar.

The Future of WordPress Forum

Starting with just a simple line of code 11 years ago, WordPress forum has evolved to become the platform of more than 74 million websites.

Even with a vast array of competitors offering similar functionality, WordPress forum still dominates the CMS market with a 21.9% market share.

I have had a more detailed look at WordPress forum than most.

 WordPress forum I have contributed to 6 releases of WordPress, including work in the XML-RPC API (in 3.4) and WP_Image_Editor class (in 3.5). I have also been involved in an upcoming release (3.9).

As we look toward the future of WordPress, it is important to evaluate current practices and trends within the WordPress user base, as well as the industry as a whole. In this article, I will discuss my predictions and opinions regarding the future of WordPress.

Moving with Demands

Recently, the demand for advanced features has been increasing as more and more developers are using WordPress to build mobile apps and complex e-commerce websites with WordPress support.

While WordPress already delivers many solutions for advanced use-cases, changes in consumer behavior will consistently affect the demand for unique plugins and ongoing enhancements.

WordPress as a Mobile App Backend

The uptake of mobile technologies is on the rise. 58% of adults in the U.S. currently have smartphones according to the Pew Research Internet Project.

Emerging solutions such as the WordPress plugin — a finalist in the 6 About to Break competition at MacWorld 2014 — are allowing users to create mobile apps using WordPress.

This current consumer trend towards mobile presents an opportunity for WordPress to capitalize on the shift toward mobile development.

By incorporating a RESTful application programming interface (API), current WordPress apps could be supported, as well as mobile apps that use WordPress as a backend.

WordPress as a Development Framework

WordPress has been placing a large focus on providing the best user experience possible. And, in my opinion, it has succeeded in this goal.

Moving forward, I see the concentration shifting toward evolving WordPress into a full CMS and application framework.

Right now, WordPress does a splendid job as a content publishing platform, as evidenced by its use by the major online magazines, journals, and blogs. Time magazine, CNN,, Wired, and TechCrunch are just a few examples of web properties that rely on WordPress.

However, more complicated use-cases like online stores, mobile app development, and web app development require plugins, heavy customization, and development.

The next step is to evolve the platform to make it a more robust CMS/app framework that can make more complicated use-cases easier to produce for developers.

Dealing with Legacy Code

While the system currently offers users a wide range of features and possibilities, WordPress will update its legacy code and deliver new APIs to ideally fit the needs of web developers.

If an emphasis is placed on this area, the biggest challenge will be streamlining the codebase while building a solution that ensures backward compatibility.

Considering the first version was released over 10 years ago, achieving this objective is likely to be quite a huge undertaking.

Where WordPress Doesn’t Need to Change

The past few years of success have truly proven the knowledge, experience, and passion found within the WordPress community.

We have worked together to accomplish great milestones and made the impressive strides that have advanced WordPress to become the most popular Web platform across the globe.

The WordPress community will play a large role in the continual development of the platform to best suit its users’ needs.

The Best WordPress Support Services Available in 2018

 The Best WordPress Support Services Available in 2018

WordPress is the preferred content management system behind 26% of the world’s websites. Many of which are for major brands, companies, and public figures like CNN, Major League Baseball, Katy Perry, Mashable, TechCrunch, and the New York Post. Obviously, their experience in managing their WordPress website with WordPress support is going to be much different from your own.

wordpress support

Top companies and public figures often employ large teams of people to support them—developers, admins, and others who can take ownership of their business’s website. It’s because they recognize how important a well-maintained online presence is for their brand.

  • You can manage it yourself.
  • You can hire a developer to help you on an hourly, as-needed basis.
  • You can invest in WordPress support services.

Whether you know it or not, regularly updating and managing your website is an important part of your business. You may not have the time to do it on your own, you may not have the money to hire an in-house team to do it for you, but there are other ways to get support for your WordPress website even if you haven’t achieved Fortune 500 status.


What Are the Best WordPress Support Services?

There are a lot of WordPress support Services available, so how do you know which one is best for you? Well, we’ve broken out the 10 top-ranked services below with some high-level details you should know about. Save time in conducting initial research and use this information to narrow down your choices. This helps you fix WordPress problems. And WordPress plugins to make it looks good.


Pricing: $25-$60/month
Target Customer: Bloggers, Small Businesses
What You Get to Start: Basic tech support, daily backups, plugin and core updates, security and monitoring, email support, access to themes
Special Notes: These guys are very clear that they themselves are a small business and want to cater to the small business in need. So while they only offer the basics in technical support, they do have a few added features like server management, Google services, Facebook analytics, and email marketing.




Pricing: $50/month and up
Target Customer: Businesses of all sizes
What You Get to Start: WordPress updates, plugin updates, spam cleaning, database optimization, backup, 24/7 email support
Special Notes: Pricing for these services is a little high for the level of support you get. Most of the starter services are weekly maintenance, so unless you’re willing to pay over $100/month, you may not receive the amount or frequency of support you were looking for.


WP Fix It


Pricing: $39/issue or $57/month
Target Customer: Websites that require infrequent but major fixes
What You Get to Start: Unlimited 24/7 support, major issue fixes, daily backups, stable hosting, security protection, software updates
Special Notes: This company is interesting. For the most part, their big sell is the WordPress issue “fix”. So if you need help with serious problems (white screen of death, website migration, code clean-up, etc.), they can help with it for a per-issue fee. They do also offer managed support services, but it seems more like an afterthought, so only go with WP Fix It if you’re more interested in one-off assistance than ongoing support.


WP Maintainer


Pricing: $99/month
Target Customer: Businesses of all sizes and website designers
What You Get to Start: WordPress upgrades, plugin updates, scheduled backups, security monitoring and cleanup, preventative audits, discounted site customizations
Special Notes: WP Maintainer makes it very simple: one plan, one price for everyone. Their offerings seem to be pretty comprehensive and cover all the essentials you’d need from a managed support services provider. There isn’t any mention though regarding how responsive they are, so it’s safe to assume that you’ll only get assistance during business hours.


How Do You Choose a WordPress Support Service Provider?

Once you’re ready to take that leap of faith and hand your WordPress website over to a support service provider, it’s time to start your research. There are a lot of providers out there and they are not all going to be a good fit for your specific needs.

Some points to consider while conducting your research:

  • What are they offering to help with? Will it cover all of your WordPress needs?
  • What is the cost of these services? Is it within your budget? And, more importantly, will it cost less than if you were to do it yourself?
  • What do the reviews say about these services? Are they reliable? Are they professional? Can you trust them?
  • What sort of support do they offer? Are they on-call 24/7 or do you have to wait around for them to become available?
  • Are there any added benefits to what they offer? Do they have a design, SEO, or consultative services?

Entrusting the care of your website to someone else is a big step in the right direction. Make sure to take your time in finding the right one to trust it to.


Why Do You Need WordPress Support Services?


wordpress support


What are you in the business of? Developing WordPress websites? No? That’s odd. Then why do you spend an hour every day with your website when you could be focusing on your business?

Websites are a lot of work. It’s not as simple as picking a theme, adding some copy, and pushing the “Publish” button. Once your website is live, there is a lot to monitor, maintain, and update on a regular basis like:

  • Themes
  • WordPress plugins
  • Coding
  • Broken links or images
  • Changes in copy or design
  • Site backups
  • Performance optimization
  • Security
  • Hosting issues
  • Analytics and activity monitoring
  • WordPress upgrades
  • And more

Anything that takes you away from your job is only going to hurt your business. You’re already aware of this. That’s why if you had severely out-of-date office machinery that was sucking up time in troubleshooting and money in repairs, you’d probably ditch it in lieu of a more efficient cloud-based software. The same should be true of your website (except the ditching part).